So we finished up the crankcases, and flipped them over to right side up. For those of you who feel the guilt of projects that have taken forever, note the date on this bag.

I spent about 6 months on it back in 2000, then it sat dormant till June 2008, when buddy Bruce said lets get to work on that pile of dust. And so 2.5 years later we're still at it, bit by bit. Having made a few bolts for the cases and getting it all torqued down, we drug out the cylinders and the old dusty box of Arias Pistons, bot in 2000.

Earlier in this thread we spent a lot of time on pistons, pins, weights, construction etc. Everyone has an opinion on who and what is better. These were sourced for me by a machinist Ron Scrimsa of Racing Engine Service in Alvarado TX who did the boring and the head porting and valve job, he came highlly recommended but remember this was 12 years ago and for future purposes I'd likely go with those offering services here. Also i see on his site he lists J&E, Wiseco and CP as current sources. It may have been that only Arias had the 67mm, I don't know. 67mm pistons = 888.9cc. I'd had an 888 kit from Powroll, but come to find they no longer offered it, so the Arias bubbled up. Much better anyway, forged vs cast, lighter, oil grooves down the sides, shorter lighter, pins tapered inside and out. I'm guessing the compression is 10.5 to 1 but I don't know for sure, long time ago remember. But i can't think I'd ask for more on a street bike. See the comparison pictures Arias vs powroll:

So we spent the allotted shop time checking piston to cyl clearances and ring end gaps. The pistons weren't marked for the holes. My memory was that Scrimsa had told me they were all so close they could interchange. Of course some choices were made for us as each piston can only go in 1 of 2 holes, per the valve pockets. So we matched those as close as possible but we were really splitting fractional hairs.

The rings were all 12 to 14thou end gaps with immeasurable changes thru the bore from top to bottom.

Next is to install the pistons on the rods and check deck heights.
I'll get a battery this week and check the electrics as well.
So another issue, ignition switch. Over the years I've ended up with mismatches. I have a T6546 ignition with key, and a T3729 with 1 key. The 2 fork locks I have don't match. Anyone got a fork lock to match either of these numbers, with a key? Let me know.