A few months ago I had a litlle accident with my bike (750 F2). The oilpressure gauge the I installed on the engine broke and the bike lay at its side with running engine and oil comming out.
After sealing the oil, and filling it up again, it started directly. When I ran the bike for some miles, the oil light camo on at low RPM.
At that point my quest began.
Changed plugs, timed bike, synced carbs, tried other oil,...
Now when I rev the bike it starts knocking. The knocking sound comes from the around the crank at the ignition side.
An inspection of the ignition showed oil in the housing off the ignition.
I pulled away the ignition and saw that oil (very little) was dripping from the oilseal at the crank.
I can move the crank a little sidewards. Is this normal? or should it move a little.
I think I'm in trouble, isn't it?