Author Topic: Help Need for CM400T carb issue  (Read 1940 times)

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Help Need for CM400T carb issue
« on: July 11, 2008, 10:16:25 AM »
I have an old 1980 CM400T that was parked for at least 6 years before I "saved" it.  I clean the carbs as best as I could, I replaced the bowl gasket, Air Cutoff Valve Diaphragm (only one), Accelerator Pump Assembly, and the Float Valve Nedle. I took the main jet and secondary main jet out and cleaned them as well.
Needless to say the carns were very dirty, thankfuly the gas tank was full of old fuel and there is no rust in the tank but the carbs were a mess.

In the manual Chapter 7, page 204 Item 8 it staes:

"Remove the Slow Air Jet Rubber Plug (D figure 17) and the slow air jet."

However, I do not have a clue how to remove the slow air jet as it sits deep in the hole and it looks like it is just pushed it.  I can see a very small hole in the cnter of it and thats it.

If you have an idea of how to remove the slow air jet PLEASE let me know.

I re-assembled the carbs back and started the engine.  The bike is running rough but at least is running.  I changed the plugs and oil before the start up and adjusted the valves.

The bike is very sloggish in the low rpms, and once it reaches 5K rpm it runs like a charm. 
Since that makes it unrideable, I order a Keyster carb rebuilt kit and last night took the carbs out and took the jets and the nedles out, however, I still can;t figure out how to take the F-ing slow air jet that is below the rubber plug out. 

Again if you have a clue or experiece on how to take the jet out I would appreciate the help.

I have attached the Figure 17, and carb exploded view for reference.

Thanks in advance.


Offline tonycb650

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Re: Help Need for CM400T carb issue
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2008, 07:26:44 PM »
the slow air jet is press fit in and probably cannot be removed. It really should not be nessasary to remove it, as long as you can blow compressed air through it or spray carb cleaner through it. also, make sure you reinstall the rubber plugs.
80cb650c 80 cm400