Well, I just got an update on Bre's condition. They hadn't posted any updates for awhile because there hadn't been much to report, except the usual slow progress (while any progress IS good). He did say that the last few days were very good.
Jay says: As far as we can determine, the best place for Bre's condition is the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. We got a call from them Thursday, they have accepted her for a two week trial admission. Between them and her current facility, arrangements are being made for a medical flight to Chicago. There's a million details, but she will be there for at least two weeks within a week or two. If they determine that they can't do more for her than Sioux Falls can, she will move back. So that's the big news.
Again, thanks to all who have supported us.
J&K (I put this in, just as it was posted in the update. Bill)