Hey guys, Things are going pretty well. After more than a year, injuries like hers generally dont get better. But in her case, a year is when she started to come around. Her mind is definitly there, she's working on the body skills, but as I've said, it's a long slow go. Don't mean there hasn't been progress though. We bought a used ramp van to get her around, we've had her home twice now, which she really enjoys. Only 70 miles from here they have about the biggest Chiristian rock festival in the country (imagine that in South Dakota) and we spent an afternoon there last weekend. Man, she loved that, and I was amazed, tens of thousands of people. I really haven't listened to much of that music, but man they were good. I've told Bre about the support worldwide that has come from you folks, and she really appreciates it. As for me, I'm getting into harvest mode, and my wife has started working as a hair designer again just 1 day a week to get back into the world a bit, I'm glad for that, she's been a rock. Gotta run, sorry to be so slow on the updates but it's been pretty busy lately.