Hey everyone. I'm sorry it's been so long since I've taken the time to update. Yesterday was a big day, Bre is finally out of intensive care and we have moved her into a children's rehab facility. The move was upsetting to her at first, but they expected that. Right now she is in the evaluation stage, but none the less they started therapy within an hour after arrival. Their goal is to push her as hard and fast as they can without overwhelming her. She is as alert and expressive as she ever has been. It's tough to see small changes being around her continuously, but folks that have visited and came back after a few days say the changes are obvious. The staff here is fantastic, and they seem to have very positive hopes for her. Even though things move slow with things like this, I can now really see the spark in her eyes. She's still in there. It may take a long while to get her out, but thankfully, she's there. Once again, I want to thank each of you for everything. This is an unbeleivable group.
PS Had to run home and take care of things the other day, and I snuck a 20 minute ride in on the 550. Can't tell you how good that felt, just the therapy I needed!