What really gets me is that on the interweb, forums are generally unruly badlands ala Mad Max, where people yell at each other about nonsense, and you would think that it would be especially true on a motorcycle board with us all being bad-ass biker types
Despite that, it's actually pretty heartening to see 280 of these chuckleheads rally around members that some of them have never met, as they go through personal loss, unrelated to our common interest.
Maybe it's just because we're not all fourteen and arguing about video games or Emo music or whatever, but I'm hard pressed to think of a similar community online of this caliber.
I didn't mean to get all soft and mushy on you guys, I'm gonna go watch the Last of the Mohecans and clean my shop to get some of my testosterone back.
To Jay B: keep your head up, I'm not a religious man, but in church this xmas eve, I prayed that within ten years, you would watch your daughter tear past you on
her SOHC, and emasculate you for the day.