Author Topic: 76 550f carb question...  (Read 951 times)

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76 550f carb question...
« on: June 22, 2008, 04:18:43 PM »
Hi All,

Ok, since my last post, which included questions about one plug (#2) running rich, I was advised to pull my carbs and check the emulsion tube for cleanliness.  Well, today, I did just that, only to find a very clean tube.  But that's not all.  I found that my floats were at 25-26mm, so I adjusted them back to 22mm.  Also I found that the rebuild kit I got from Honda and put into my carbs included #100 main jets.  My carbs (I assume, completely stock) came with #98s. 

So my question is:  Before I button everything back up, should I put the #98s back in with new orings?  or should I put just the number 2 carb back together with the #98 and leave the others as #100s.  After checking the plugs on the other three carbs, I found them to be running "perfect" and I don't want that to change. But since I changed the float level, all might be different now??

Also, does anyone have a good method of getting those float bowl o-rings to behave when going back on?  Mine seem now to big now as compared to when I first installed them, they were frustratingly too small. So many little things to drive one crazy.  Also where can I purchase new float rings without buying an entire carb kit?

Thanks for your help...almost on the road...consistently.

Offline bender01

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Re: 76 550f carb question...
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2008, 05:51:58 PM »
Float gaskets can be had from
Thats all I can help with. E mail him.
75 550 K1
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So, the strategy is to lie to people you are asking for help?

I think I'll be busy going for a ride.

Good luck!
Two Tired Quote !

Offline jreich

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Re: 76 550f carb question...
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2008, 05:59:39 PM »
Put the same size jets in each carb to keep things consistent. The change in float height may have done the trick. If not, you may want to check your needle height....but regardless, keep the jets the same size.

For the gaskets, try putting the bowls and the gaskets in the freezer for awhile and then try placing the gaskets.....These gaskets can be a real pain, as I'm sure you know, because they snake around. Just be patient...they may seem to big, but you'll get them to fit.

If you really are having a hard time, you may also want to try a dab of 3m gasket adhesive on the corners to get the gasket to stay in place.


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Re: 76 550f carb question...
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2008, 06:05:51 PM »
Thanks ya'll,

So which main jet would you use? original 98s or the new 100s? The needle clip is set 2 down from the top.  Should I leave it that way?  What did lowering the float level do to my overall running?  Did I make it more rich?  Sorry so many questions but I feel so close to some sort of resolve.

Does anyone suggest adding any extra holes to my emulsion tubes?  I have read the posts about this, but each bike seems to respond differently to specific techniques.

Offline ieism

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Re: 76 550f carb question...
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2008, 12:44:34 PM »
Are you running a stock airbox and filter? And do you have stock 4-1 pipes?
There must be a reason the previous owner converted too 100 jets....

If the 3 other cylinders are perfect, i would use that as a reverence.


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Re: 76 550f carb question...
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 08:04:39 AM »
Okay, so I decided put the original 98's that came with the bike back in with new o-rings. I adjusted the floats to an even 22mm, readjusted the cam chain tension (I had it backwards with torque on the screw clockwise, rather than counter-clockwise. Wow! did that ever make it sound better!) re-synced the carbs, fired 'er up and went for a spin. She ran quite well and I was pleased overall.  I checked the plugs when I came back to find the original problem (#2 plug) with no accumulated soot and had even burned the electrode back to a light brown on large portions of it.  It was a short ride at varying rpms.  Long story short...I think it's fixed!  I need to do more of an extensive ride to make sure but thanks to all of you who have helped thus far.

Now on to acquire a super smooth suspension and decide on handlebar choices...Ah so many things to think about.

Oh by the way, I found that you can use one of those large orange O-rings from the Varesh top-end gasket kits as a replacement for a broken carb float bowl gasket.  Needs a little warming up and stretching, but it works in a pinch. See pic for reference.