Author Topic: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil  (Read 15550 times)

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Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« on: June 23, 2008, 10:06:21 AM »
I have a 1976 CB550 with 21,000 miles on it. Bike runs great and I ride it almost daily.

Question: I have heard conflicting views on using synthetic oil versus non-synthetic. Some say the synthetic can loosen deposits in older engines which can cause issues. Others say, that this is a load of crap and synthetic oil is better no matter how old the bike. So, do the benefits outweigh the risks of running synthetic in a bike like mine? Or do the risks outweigh the benefits?



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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 10:11:54 AM »
you might want to do a search for this type of thread. you'll find it's been done to death

Offline gregimotis

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2008, 10:15:12 AM »
Here is your answer:

There are conflicting views on using synthetic oil versus non-synthetic. Some say the synthetic can loosen deposits in older engines which can cause issues. Others say, that this is a load of crap and synthetic oil is better no matter how old the bike.
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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2008, 10:16:38 AM »
I'd rather discuss the merits of search engine usefulness on this forum.

Why is it inadequate?
Why do forum members refuse to use it?
Does its use diminish a user's ability to garner relevant information?
Is the technology too new to be applied to old bikes?
Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2008, 10:28:40 AM »
I used the search but due to the nature of this topic, was even more confused. And after reading almost 7 somewhat "painful" pages of varying opinions, arguments, etc., I decided to re-ask the question with the hope that there might be a more (updated) definitative answer.

The search feature works VERY well and it has answered 90% of my questions without the need to post a new one. The oil question was a different story though. In hindsight, I might have been better-off asking about politics and religion.


Offline hymodyne

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2008, 10:32:33 AM »
The ability (inclination) to utilize the search function seems to be in direct correlation to the number of posts completed by the site member:

the fewer the posts, the least likely the user will have the patience to do the search

an alternative theory:

the more ardent the rebuff for not using the search function by the member with the higher number of posts, the
more likely the new member is to use the function in the future.

...I was young and impatient once too... ;)

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2008, 10:36:52 AM »
I started out using dino oil in my 500K1 three years ago and experienced much better performance from my bike when I switched to RotellaT synthetic as compared to when I used generic, castrol, or any other type of non-synthetic. new HD clutch springs and Rotella T mean no more clutch slippage for my bike.

Definitively yours,

"All things are ready if our minds be so."


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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2008, 10:39:40 AM »
I am actually losing patience as I age. Last week, I cought myself wearing sweatpants to Home Depot (yes, telling society that I have officially "given up") then returing to my house only to yell at kids playing on my grass. Young and impatient? I would have to say it is more like "old and growing less patient"... ;)  

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2008, 11:15:47 AM »
I tend to agree with Tunker2 on this.  The search is somewhat useless on this subject as it truly is painful to read through all that "opinion".  And also very true is that some opinions are not based on fact.  Some are, but how does one tell the difference?  It was once said that "Opinions are like a$$holes.  Everyone's got one, and everyone but your's stinks".

Now here's my 2 cents:  I've been using the Honda synthetic blend WITH Moly for over 20 years.  When this oil came out, all of our bikes(SOHC4s) were on the "approved for use" list.  I read this myself when I worked a Honda dealer parts counter.   And I've never had a clutch issue, or even replaced a clutch.  All the bikes I've used it in have had the smoothest shifting transmissions.  And on the subject of "loosening dirt and crap", if you have a dirty crankcase, any high detergent oil will loosen up that stuff.  So if you're not sure, run some crankcase flush through and clean it out.
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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #9 on: June 23, 2008, 11:18:19 AM »
Oh Nooooooooooooooooo another O thread. This could go on for days!!!!!!!!!!!
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Offline TwoTired

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2008, 11:44:47 AM »
OK.  But, were your sweatpants made of natural cotton or synthetic fibers?  And, did that actually contribute to the impatience?

Today, oil can be labeled synthetic, yet be refined from crude oil.  So, the root distinction in the basic question is blurred.

Further, branded oils are not pure base stock (either "synthetic" or Non-synthetic).  You purchase them with an "additive package" related to the brand.  These additives can create the Multi-vis attributes as well as provide detergent action to a degree that coincides with the additive blend chosen for the brand.

The additive formulas are company or brand secrets, whose technical descriptions include details like "better, long lasting, energy conserving, low friction, superior lubrication", and other meaningless superlatives, designed to appeal to your baser instincts and promote brand loyalty.  Even if you found and could prove the perfect oil and brand for the bike, they are under no obligation to maintain the formula and can change the additive package at a whim or under the prospect of improving profit margins.  In fact, they would dare you the mere individual user, to prove in a court of law, that their formula has diminished your particular engine's life or useful function.  Further, if you publish anything derogatory about their product, they will gag you, sue you into poverty, obscurity, and denigrate your lineage.

You want this lowly forum to compete with that world-wide marketing juggernaut, it's disciples, and ardent followers (who are among us, BTW) ? 

You'll not get agreement about oil within this forum.  You will get opinion and brand loyalty breast beating.

It is far easier, and perhaps more meaningful, to discuss relative merits of skin abrasion due to synthetic vs, non-synthetic fibers of your brand of sweat pants, and it's effect on impatience.  In my opinion, of course. ;D
But, that would belong in the open forum, wouldn't it?

Lloyd... (SOHC4 #11 Original Mail List)
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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2008, 12:03:14 PM »
I used the search but due to the nature of this topic, was even more confused. And after reading almost 7 somewhat "painful" pages of varying opinions, arguments, etc., I decided to re-ask the question with the hope that there might be a more (updated) definitative answer.   

So, you used the search function, it worked as intended, what you found out is that the whole "synthetic oil" topic is a highly volatile one that's been beaten to death with dozens and dozens of differing views and absolutely no consensus whatsoever, and you still decided to ask the question again? ???


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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #12 on: June 23, 2008, 12:14:06 PM »
He DID give a reason why.   Being new, he probably thought that a general consensus was reached at some point. I have used the search function and it gets so cluttered that it can be easy to miss what you are looking for. unless of course a person wants to spend hours upon hours looking for it....if it exists.

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #13 on: June 23, 2008, 12:28:26 PM »
I know no one cares... but I only use regular oil in my old bikes....
Just cause, you know, that's what they had back when dinosaurs ruled the earth. Good enough for cavemen and their motorcycles, good enough for me :/

Offline donny

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #14 on: June 23, 2008, 12:38:06 PM »
 ;D some ask the same old questions,  as newbies have since come aboard since 2002 with their "facts" to contribuate.
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Offline Bob Wessner

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2008, 01:59:19 PM »
This sort of post/question will come up from time to time, no matter what anyone might wish. I belong to another forum (different activity) and some of the longer term members, for want of a better term, are pretty high on themselves when it happens. The funny part is, the forum software has a number of features not found here. One in particular allows you to check "Ignore This Thread." For some reason, they choose not to. Makes one wonder why?
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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2008, 06:39:42 PM »
I have a 1976 CB550 with 21,000 miles on it. Bike runs great and I ride it almost daily.

Question: I have heard conflicting views on using synthetic oil versus non-synthetic. Some say the synthetic can loosen deposits in older engines which can cause issues. Others say, that this is a load of crap and synthetic oil is better no matter how old the bike. So, do the benefits outweigh the risks of running synthetic in a bike like mine? Or do the risks outweigh the benefits?

Tunker, you will never arrive at a consensus as you can see from the other threads. One thing I think everyone will agree to is that whatever oil YOU may choose, you should change it often along with the filter. Fresh clean oil is better than old dirty oil no matter what the brand or type.
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?


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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2008, 08:10:51 AM »
Thanks everyone, I will stick with what has been in the bike for the last 32 years. It got the bike this far and I see no real reason to change at this point in it's life.

Offline Roach Carver

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2008, 08:35:50 AM »
I vote for a thread warning new members against asking about oil, max tire size, and what is my bike worth. These questions are often what brings people to the site and when they blindly ask, they feel like they walked into a hornets nest. I wonder how many nice folks we have scared away while having a bit of fun that was generally misunderstood.

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2008, 10:29:44 AM »
I went from Valvoline Motorcycle oil to Rotella T and noticed right away that it used a little less oil, and it got rid of the false neutral problem that was going to cause problems if I kept missing shifts.  And the real benefit to Rotella is you can go damned near anywhere and find it.
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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2008, 05:35:48 AM »
Tunker, you will never arrive at a consensus as you can see from the other threads. One thing I think everyone will agree to is that whatever oil YOU may choose, you should change it often along with the filter. Fresh clean oil is better than old dirty oil no matter what the brand or type.
And even THAT is being discussed lately....

Sooo, maybe we can start another discussion?  ;) :D ;D ;D
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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2008, 05:41:53 AM »
I've also heard that this whole "changing your tires and brake pads when they wear out" thing is just a huge conspiracy by the auto parts industry, too. ::) ;D

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2008, 06:07:02 AM »
What??? Oil? Our bikes need oil?? First gas and now oil. What's next.....batteries. Geeez.

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2008, 02:03:34 PM »
I guess there is one dirty oil advocate out there somewhere.  ;D
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

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Re: Synthetic versus non-synthetic oil
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2008, 02:26:21 PM »
maybe it should just be a vote on five-10 types of oil and see how many votes go to what brand......... ::) Yeah I don't think thats gonna work too many fair weather fans... but anyhoo i use castrol gtx in all my old-older motors have for 20yrs, now in my 03' dodge ram quad cab 4x4 i use royal purple........ and thats cause the gaskets aren't old so the synthetic wont cause shrinkage......I hate shrinkage espically when getting out of the swinmmin pool after being in too long. ;D ;D ;D ;D
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