333 - ahhhh...two minds think alike... Liability. i was going to make a short comment on that but had decided not to. but since ya asked:
let's say that giganto chemical company come up with a new formula for WonderOil. enviro regulations, pricing pressures, what have you. having previous versions on the market, they have a performance benchmark to test to. they know the target audience, i.e. automobiles and do the required testing in various engines and conditions and measure against the benchmark. they do enough testing to provide strong mechanical and statisical analysis to withstand product liability judgements. testing is expensive and time consuming but i'd venture to guess that they also run tests on things like lawnmowers, marine applications and the occasional motorcycle. but not enough testing in the minor market areas to build a complete statistical baseline. imagine all of the variables: various composition of metals, plastics, heat, load, composite materials like clutch pads etc. and now, within our 'assumed' testing basis, there is the analysis of the results...lo and behold, some of them thar clutch plates of material x, subcatagory r from suhonwaki motorcycle company seem a bit...chewed up. hell, i'd slap a caution on that oil's label so fast the typewriter would catch on fire. the market share may not justify the exposure of liability across a broad market of users with uncertain mechanical skills and unimaginable uses they put their machines through. and i'm in business to make money, not pay it out in claims.
then we have our well-schooled and well-intentioned garage mechanic. in the realm of product liability and insurance claims, his experience can at best be rated as anecdotal. no statisical analysis, no engineering analysis, a limited number of examples and subjective deductive reasoning as to cause and effect. he most likely is a whiz with motorcycles but his basis of experience pales in comparison with giganto chemical corp. and if you go to giganto saying 'my mechanic said i could use this oil, even though the label says not to'...how much sympathy do you think you'll garner?
so yeah, i think liability plays a huge part.
now having said that, and after reading some of these links and information, i'm going to be switching out my oil to something more suitable than my walmart special hd. probably a synthetic as i've done lab work on that stuff back in the day and was kind of impressed. and to be honest, up 'til now, i hadn't really given my choice of oil much thought. but once again, thanks to you guys in the forum, dawn is breaking on a marble head.