Author Topic: 75' CB550 K1 carb help..  (Read 1580 times)

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Offline NGL_BrSH

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75' CB550 K1 carb help..
« on: June 23, 2008, 05:59:29 PM »
I am sure that the carb topics have been beaten to death.. but i've been lurking for a while and I can't seem to get my answers.  So I've decided to ask so not to risk misinformation on my own research.

included is a picture (before clean pictures but they'll serve the purpose).. #1 points to what I think is called the "main jet"
#2 points to what I think is where the "slow jet"goes..

I have thoroughly disassembled my four carbs and now i'm *trying* to reassemble them.

Unfortunately I took them apart a few weeks ago and can't remember how they exactly came apart.

My questions as follows:
What holds in the (#1 pic) main jet? just the new oring? I see that there is a clip that hangs off of the main jet.. I can't believe only friction holds this all together.

How far do i screw in the slow jet(#2 pic), (is there supposed to be a spring)?

I appreciate all help you guys can offer.

one last thing is that the carb kit that my dad purchased for this bike contains orings that seem too big for most any parts..  I ended up using smaller orings from my oring assortment.  Anyone have any thoughts on that?  It's an oem honda kit.  the bowl oring fits perfect, the top gasket fits perfect and there is one oring that i have a spot for.. 3 left over.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2008, 06:02:15 PM by NGL_BrSH »

Offline tank410

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Re: 75' CB550 K1 carb help..
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2008, 06:16:51 PM »
On my 500's carbs switch are the same(I think)
 #1 the main jet is held in by a leaf spring looking thing that push up from the bottom of the bowl.
 #2 the slow or pilot jet screw all the way in, there are no springs.


Offline NGL_BrSH

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Re: 75' CB550 K1 carb help..
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2008, 06:55:37 PM »
hmm ok, that makes sense.. i did attach that clip (leaf spring thingy) and i guess it probably makes contact with the bottom of the bowl keeping it in.  Cool, and thanks no spring, and screwed in all the way.

it's what i needed to know :D

Thank you very much.

now to the slide section