Author Topic: Can this be salvaged???? Updated 4/10/08  (Read 7046 times)

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Re: Can this be salvaged???? Updated 4/10/08
« Reply #50 on: June 23, 2008, 03:00:08 PM »
Thanks for bumping this old thread!  Just happens that yesterday I put the GOLD tank and side covers back on.  I might have to eat my words.  I think I am going to start bragging on inmate paint jobs again!  Pics coming soon!!!!!

The answer to my question is: YES, it can be salvaged!

Offline JeyLux

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After you remove the acid, rinse out the tank with fresh water and then dump in a relatively strong mixture of laundry detergent and water. Laundry detergent is a base, like baking soda, so it neutralizes any residual acid. Unlike baking soda, though, laundry detergent is also a detergent, so it cleans as well as neutralizes.

I did this method and it didn't work so well...After I used 'The Works' (A full bottle) I put in a gallon of warm water with a full scoop of detergent and rinsed it out. Then I fillled it up again with 2 gallons with detergent and shook it up real good, and let it sit for at least 10 minutes. After I rinsed it out, the shinny metal finish from the Works became a dull blackened finish, I then coated it with Marvels Mystery Oil and put some fuel in there. It still rusted. Granted, I did not fill it up ALL the way, as I wasn't nearly close to hooking it up and using it, but it still rusted, even though you claim it wont when empty.

I think it was because I didn't dilute the Works cleaner, and because it is such a strong acid, the detergent did not do its job so well.

I used a powdered laundry detergent. Did you use a liquid detergent? What brand or type should I use, liquid/powdered? I'd really like some tips again, because I got my bike all reassembled, and now I just gotta get the tank cleaned and ready to go.

I can't seem to find anything with a good amount of phosphoric acid in it. I'm seriously thinking of trying a litter of Pepsi or two. 

Has anybody used Klean-Strips Rust Remover? That works great on parts, when its scrubbed out, but I don't think it'll just lift off rust from a tank unless its scrubbed...

I don't see any options other then 'The Works' cleaner again, or maybe 2 litters of Pepsi! The local shop sells Kreem but I'm not about to mess with that mess. 

I've used some ZEP Rust Remover and a handful of 1/2" Nuts.

Works great.  remember to count the nuts before you put them in, and then again when you take them out.
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