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Offline Klark Kent

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About to do something drastic...
« on: June 24, 2008, 04:58:17 PM »
Five years ago Lois and I moved to Baltimore on a whim, I am doing all right as a freelance editor and union studio mechanic and Lois has quickly risen through the ranks to mid level municipal employee.   This is a comfortable life, but we both feel ike we need drastic change- the same feeling that got us here five years ago.  For some time we have been talking about making our own film.  Travel was the main motivator.  So we have been trying to come up with an idea that will allow us to travel and end up with a film that has a shot at being marketable. 

A couple months ago we went to visit Lois' cousin in Oregon.  We ended up traveling up the northern Oregon coast with his band.  The music is not what I am usually into, but I had a blast. The folks in the band are all really good people, and the music is honest. It's original, but very accessible.  People respond to it and everybody has a good time.  Last year two of them tried to tour the west coast by bike, playing shows both booked and impromptu along the way.  they made it to San Francisco where their bikes and gear got stolen.  The band is a four piece now, and all of them are trying to do it again at the end of summer. 

On a whim I said, hey that would be a great film. 

This has snowballed into Lois and I selling or giving away most of what we own (not the CB) in an effort to get out there and spend 6 weeks traveling with them, documenting the tour.  We have no plans to come back either.  I have a possible job in northern California in the fall and we have enough in savings to get some modest camera gear and survive until then if we use dispersed camping as our main accommodation.  If there is enough time between the end of the tour and the gig in the fall, I would come back to get the bike and use my superior survivor skills to solo across the country on my 550 (a longtime itch which will only be itchier after putting her up for two months of the season.)  I held out for a while, but agreed to leave the bike behind in the interest of not complicating an already impossibly complicated situation, and with no trailer, making Lois drive alone the whole time.

I know there's a recession on.  Gas is out of control.  Good jobs are hard to find.  But both of us are more afraid of the known than the unknown right now.  Lois has gotten to the point where every week she has a new responsibility but no new authority, basically tasked with making her whole department appear functional minus the credit.  With five solid years of experience I think she will be highly employable wherever we end up.  And I am just becoming prematurely jaded with my chosen industry.  It's a lot of very hard work for people with very large egos making largely worthless cinematic crack. (like that old saying about religion, hollywood is the crack of the masses.) I figure I can find production work wherever I land, or even better, find a new line of work I never would have thought of here in my rut.  Worst case at least, after the trip, when i am broke and homeless, I will know how to live out of doors. 

We have been going camping every weekend to hone our skills and test our cat's ability to be a road warrior (she is a vicious rescue that only loves (doesn't want to tear limb from limb) us and has diabetes, so having someone look after her is next to impossible- anyone good with a syringe and know kung fu?), and somehow, so far, things have gone really well.  It's like she is determined to not be our excuse for chickening out. 

With just a little more than a month left to get rid of the rest of our pile of crap and hit the road, I thought I would reach out for advice. 

Amongst the random feedback I expect to receive here,
I am looking for hidden gem backwoods campsites from Baltimore to Washington state (accessible by car or short hike.)

I am looking for people places and things that you wont find in the guidebooks.  If there is anything you want to see documented on video, I will be testing our gear and road production techniques on the trip out, so suggest something cool and you might get a minidocumentary of it. 

I am not looking for a voice of reason, but probably should be, so will begrudgingly accept such a voice if you feel compelled.  This does not mean I want to hear how dumb I am or that I am crazy to be doing this.  I know.  but nothing ventured nothing gained and there is nothing you can say that will make me want to trade relative security for a shot at something great. 

I dont know why exactly we feel the need for a hard reset of life.  the way I am figuring it is that we are young and have no kids (diabetic cat aside) and may never get a chance to do something like this again, but in all likelyhood we will probably feel the same way in another five years in another brand new rut.  Ending up with an experience is all i expect, so don;t assume I am deluded.  crazy for sure.  but not deluded.  If it doesn't work out I feel pretty certain that the de-excessing and travel will do wonders for my outlook.

We need to start getting this thing out of our heads and on paper, and writing this out helped a lot- so thanks for reading what turned out to be a megalong post about myself.  apologeez to those I bored to death.

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2008, 05:18:14 PM »
Can't help you with your requests, except to say....go for it!
Nick J. Member #3247

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2008, 06:12:38 PM »
Go for it man! Perhaps you should consider getting some sort of camera gear to use on the bike as well..use it as a tool for your video and have fun doing it..
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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2008, 06:36:01 PM »
so having someone look after her is next to impossible- anyone good with a syringe and know kung fu?), and somehow, so far, things have gone really well.  It's like she is determined to not be our excuse for chickening out. 

well, any idea what she's like with other cats? i have 5 neutered, mellow male cats and i used to be a vet tech so needles arent a problem.

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2008, 06:49:09 PM »
More afraid of the known than the unknown......I'd say go for it, the unknown is not what you are going to's what you are going to do after you've done it. ::) ::) ::)

Sam. ;)
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Offline BobbyR

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2008, 07:17:11 PM »
Why not is the real answer. Most people live within the "circle of the known" they may run around the edge of the circle but they fear stepping out of it. The worst feeling is being trapped. I loved to fly, but I was trapped in the Army, then I went into Law Enforcement and realized you were waiting for your pension, so I went into private industry and you guessed it, I endured the last 10 years of a 30 year sentence to lock in pension. During that period I ran and won public office, worked on two Indie feature films and did a bunch of other goofy stuff to make life interesting. I have always loved Trains, I retired for my 6 figure job, collected my pension and went to work for a Railcar builder. I don't make as much money, but with both the pension and the job plus the wife's gig we do really well, and I do far more interesting things on this job.

The point is Klark, life is what goes past you while you are focused on something relatively unimportant. I just turned 58 and the time I have left to do more interesting things is running shorter. When you add it all up, what do you really have to lose.

 Both you and the wife are able bodied and have skills so you will be able to eat. Your possessions can wind up possessing you.
I would think you can work the CB into the film. The trip on the bike to each concert becomes a film inside a film. What is going on with the Band on the road is independent of what the rider is doing on the bike and his experiences between gigs. They are actually interconnected in a larger sense. If you don't do this you will always wish you did.
There is some interesting country along the Blue Ridge mountains in NC and it stays interesting as you head west.           
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2008, 07:27:04 PM »
KK,  your plan sounds awesome.  I applaud your spirit for risk.  Last year my wife took a huge risk at running for Judge.  The odds were really stacked against us, but I told her that the risk will be worth the reward even if she didn't win.  It took a whole lot of hard work, a pile of stress, and too much of our bank account (building our new home is now five more years away), but she won.  You need to take the chance no matter how stressful it may seem to pick up an leave.  You have to make your destiny by following your dreams.  No one else will do it for you.  Follow your gut, change is good.  Focus all of your energies on doing it with 100% of your being, do whatever it takes no matter how hard it may seem.  The end result will be a positive one.

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2008, 07:45:43 PM »
You're at a great time to take risk.

The reward at the least will be adventure, lifelong memories, and a lot of cool footage.  At best it will be a decent documentary which gets good playtime at Sundance, leading to some choice gigs for you!

You can't loose.

My two recommendations are to check out the Olympic Peninsula in Washington.  I've done some hikes there and the coastline, geologic formations, and tidepools are amazine.  And second shoot in HD.

My wife and I have a Canon HV20 which is really amazing outdoors.  It's ok indoors and is slightly below average in low light, but for $1000 it shoots in true 1080i with great skintones, and scenery color.

Shooting in HD is cheaper than ever and will only expand the options for your final cut.

Best of luck with your trip, and logging all that footage!

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2008, 08:07:36 PM »
Moving on a whim, getting restless of your surroundings, having the means to do soemthing about're living the dream, honestly. I need to get away from where I am myself, but with a piss-poor job and a bike in boxes I can only wish.  :'(

You're one step ahead of me, and if you can, definitely do it and don't look back. Humans can only adapt to their surroundings for so long before they get tired and need to travel. That's the beauty of it.
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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2008, 08:10:55 PM »
What's your definition of a modest camera?  And I would like to think you're not giving up any editing capability when downsizing for a move.  You gotta be able to edit what you shoot.  Some campgrounds have electricity, but setting up a desktop computer in a tent?

Then, I would ask about your education/job experience.  I know you're employed in the biz now, but only one(education or job...) isn't always enough to pull it off again.

And finally, the idea itself.  If it is a truly original idea, why hasn't someone else already done it.  Maybe because it's not as marketable as you think.  It could be "too" original to be marketable, or not original enough to keep from blending in with the rest of the pack.

I hope this "voice of reason" has helped.  Now go for it!
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Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2008, 02:25:34 AM »
Klark, what do you want us to do? To tell you what we would like you to do? Or ot tell you what would we do if we were you?

It is easy to encourage others when you are not going to face failure if it happens. I for one like challenges, but like to measure very well the possible outcomes and consequences. Many times I do the sheet of paper with the "pros" and "cons" before taking an important decision. You have to look into you life experience and know how easy is for you to endure failure and get up from the ashes.

I'm not much into the movie industry, but seems to me that starting into movies, music or writing is a recipe for disaster. If you do it just for the thrill of it, then go for it, but you know chances for success are low.

Offline mmtsquid

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #11 on: June 25, 2008, 06:16:14 AM »
The truly interesting story here is not the band and their journey, but rather YOUR journey, and the chain of events that led to wanting to reset your life.

Just food for thought.
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Offline Roach Carver

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #12 on: June 25, 2008, 06:46:24 AM »
for some reason I thought you had a chevy el camino? If so, why not load your bike up, or buy a small trailer and pull it. I agree that it is easy for all of us to encourage you to stick your neck out, but like bobby said, your both young, able bodied people. There are surely some members out that way that would be good for some groceries or a place to crash if need be. I think that you will both be fine.

Good Luck!

Offline Klark Kent

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #13 on: June 25, 2008, 08:35:55 AM »
so having someone look after her is next to impossible- anyone good with a syringe and know kung fu?), and somehow, so far, things have gone really well.  It's like she is determined to not be our excuse for chickening out. 

well, any idea what she's like with other cats? i have 5 neutered, mellow male cats and i used to be a vet tech so needles arent a problem.

She does not play well with others, but that is very cool of you to offer.  One time while visiting Lois' parents Buzz got out of the room we were holding her in and by the time we realized it she was rolling around cartoon style with their feral malasian cat, fur literally flying.  When we had two cats she eventually warmed up to the other guy, but I don't think that would happen anytime soon if we werent around to enforce her being nice, and even then the signs of friendship were that their wrestling took on a definite sporting attitude as opposed to pure aggression.  She has become so dependent on our attention that now if we leave for more than three days she stops eating and hides where the cat sitter cant attempt to give her a shot. 

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Offline Klark Kent

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #14 on: June 25, 2008, 09:13:10 AM »
What's your definition of a modest camera?  And I would like to think you're not giving up any editing capability when downsizing for a move.  You gotta be able to edit what you shoot.  Some campgrounds have electricity, but setting up a desktop computer in a tent?

The camera package I am trying to put together would be the best 3 chip camera I can get for around $3000 (so probably better off with DVcam) to film the bulk of it and a smaller cheaper HD camera that will live with the band to film themselves if we are not there.  The smaller HD cam would hopefully have that reality TV look which we have all been trained to accept as broadcast quality.  And I was thinking of bringing my Super8 film camera for interstitials- home movie style introductions to each location, but am still trying to justify three formats and all that gear- it would warm up the general digital video feel of the footage as a whole, and professional telecine to DV for editing has gotten very affordable recently.  a couple small lights, some sort of a bounce, CTB and CTO gels, and a smooth tripod should round out the image.  a good shotgun and wireless lav for field stuff, wired mics, mixer, and a minidisc recorder for the shows should take care of sound. 

My editing rig is an amalgam of equipment aquired over the past five years.  powerful but not compact.  before that I worked on a laptop with 756M of ram.  so long as I don't use any effects, I would be able to log and assemble the DV stuff on the laptop, possibly the HD stuff too I will have to see- a memory upgrade might be necessary to run latest versions of the software.

Then, I would ask about your education/job experience.  I know you're employed in the biz now, but only one(education or job...) isn't always enough to pull it off again.

I majored in film at a small school during the last four years of their program being 16mm based.  After graduating I taught myself DV by volunteering at an inner city media project teaching kids how to make films.  I have made several promotional videos for local non-profits, training videos for the city and state, edited a film about gay men who do yoga naked in NYC, and a film about kids from the favelas of RIo and the ghettos of west baltimore.  I joined the local IATSE a year and a half ago as a grip and have worked on five major motion pictures since then, which took the place of stagehanding as a way to make money when i cant find editing gigs.  I do not mind working my way up again in another community or finding something entirely different to do with my life.

And finally, the idea itself.  If it is a truly original idea, why hasn't someone else already done it.  Maybe because it's not as marketable as you think.  It could be "too" original to be marketable, or not original enough to keep from blending in with the rest of the pack.

I hope this "voice of reason" has helped.  Now go for it!

that just sounds paranoid.  The shot at being marketable is twofold- I honestly believe this band is going to get a lot of attention - there is already the beginnings of a buzz since the release of their CD and they havent even left Oregon- and the film will be marketable in that world.  The other fold is the doing it by bike thing- a lot of interest in alternative transportation lately. 

Thanks for bringing up some good points and making me write out more of my thoughts on this- it really helps.

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Offline Klark Kent

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2008, 09:51:36 AM »
Klark, what do you want us to do? To tell you what we would like you to do? Or ot tell you what would we do if we were you?

travel advice mostly, but i am open to any input. 

It is easy to encourage others when you are not going to face failure if it happens. I for one like challenges, but like to measure very well the possible outcomes and consequences. Many times I do the sheet of paper with the "pros" and "cons" before taking an important decision. You have to look into you life experience and know how easy is for you to endure failure and get up from the ashes.

we have done the pro/con thing.  that is when we decided we are more afraid of the known than the unknown.  :)

I'm not much into the movie industry,

me neither, but I have a real passion for the craft.  I can edit for days at a time and it doesnt feel like work- nothing else gets me to that place of focus and flow. There is nothing appealing to me about the industry other than the toys they get to use.  you could stuff the fame and fancyness and a lot of the money and I would proabably be happier.  you could definately take the name dropping, back biting, and ego stroking that seems to fill so many shooting days.  I would much rather work on low budget travel programs, but have yet to be able to get into that.

but seems to me that starting into movies, music or writing is a recipe for disaster. If you do it just for the thrill of it, then go for it, but you know chances for success are low.

I am happy anywhere I am useful.  success is not my goal, but I am thinking it would be a side effect of finding a place where i am very useful.  I get what you are saying about creative endeavors and the chances of success being slim, but I am a technician and a problem solver- not an artist.  even when I am producing the video- if its a training or promotional video- it is more technical than creative.  I have to use my eye for composition and my sense of rhythm and timing, and anything people put their focus and energy into doing can be seen as "artistic," but I am not trying to be recognized for my art, I am trying to communicate and have a good time.

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2008, 10:01:58 AM »
Boy do I know the restless feeling.......

I say go for it...lifes about the adventure.

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2008, 12:30:41 PM »
Klark, what do you want us to do? To tell you what we would like you to do? Or ot tell you what would we do if we were you?

It is easy to encourage others when you are not going to face failure if it happens. I for one like challenges, but like to measure very well the possible outcomes and consequences. Many times I do the sheet of paper with the "pros" and "cons" before taking an important decision. You have to look into you life experience and know how easy is for you to endure failure and get up from the ashes.

I'm not much into the movie industry, but seems to me that starting into movies, music or writing is a recipe for disaster. If you do it just for the thrill of it, then go for it, but you know chances for success are low.
Raul, you and I are engineers and we must make sure that we were tarined not to be
surprised by the outcomes. For two young people who are disenchanted with their lives, you cannot apply a formula to these feeling. There is little risk as they are young and have time to recover.  If they had kids, house, mortgage etc, then you must carefully plan to assure the well being of your family. Old people get bitter when they realize all of the things the could of, or should of done. No man on his death bed says, "I wish i soent more time at the office."
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2008, 12:37:48 PM »
I hope that 3k includes an extra lens or 2.  It has been 4 or 5 years since I looked into getting one for my daughter when she graduated SCAD.  They were about $2500.00 and came with 2 lenses.

So, back to a (somewhat related)question I asked in another thread.  Are there that many more opportunities in Baltimore than here in D.C.?  My daughter got a job when she came home from SCAD, but it didn't last.  I'll try for brevity.  She was hired on a Wed. for a part time job in an editing house, but in the mail room.  She worked Thursday, and called in sick on Friday(for real).  She showed up on Monday, and they said "We thought you blew us off.  BTW. one of our editors quit, you get his job"!  It lasted 7 or 8 months, but the owners ego kept getting in the way, that and he had some issues regarding how to treat women in the work place.  She hasn't worked in the biz since.  She took a job with a friend at a preschool, where she does computer and media work, as well as a class of 3 year olds.  She has done all video presentations for parents, an instructional video for picking up kids after school(complicated system due to small parking lot and driveway).  She is about to start her second round of classes online with SCAD to get her Masters.

So, she hasn't tried lately, but while there are a few production houses in the area, they didn't seem interested,were fully staffed..?  And the preschool keeps giving her raises to keep her there.  She is focused on her schooling now, but when that's over, I'm sure she will try again.  So I guess the question is; Any suggestions?
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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2008, 12:41:56 PM »
Thread hijack.  ;D
Stranger in a strange land


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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2008, 01:14:15 PM »
If you are looking for some place different to stay stop at mammoth caves in Ken. There is a 30s motel and units/rooms that are shaped like T Pees Real cool area to visit. Note if you do go there bring your oun adult bevs as it is a dry county. And good luck sounds like a blast, Brent

Offline Klark Kent

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2008, 01:17:10 PM »
i neglected to reply to the "go for it" crowd.  wanted to say thanks.  

and Raul- another reason (probably the main reason) i started this thread was to make the trip real.  We havent been telling a whole lot of people, and that way it is too easy to decide it's too much trouble and chicken out- but now i will have a whole forum of people asking me why.  peer pressure is a fine motivator.

333- I have gotten most all my work through strokes of luck.  craigslist has led to a couple one off jobs, but the lasting working relationships i have I came about in the most random ways.  Look for opportunities to bail people out of a pinch and they will remember you.  The reason I don't own a camera is because a guy I worked for four years ago still llets me borrow his stuff when i get a camera gig.  and when he wanted to go to new york with his wife and see a show instead of taping an awards ceremony, I filled in for him- ensuring borrowing for life.  I got into video depositions because the company was desperate for a videographer- the gig was a mock trial in philly and they were short staffed.  I heroed up- brought my friends camera to philly and afterwards ended up doing a lot of work for them (until they hired more staff videographers) including a month of depositions in Japan.

I guess they call it networking.  But try this one on- A friend of a friends boyfriend is a magician- he needed a demo video.  but he as not a very wealthy magician, so I told him I would shoot his performance for a cut of the tips.  made maybe $40 that day but had a lot of fun.  His girlfriend was a producer on The Wire's assistant.  She got me in touch with one of the key grips on The Wire.  The key grip's cousin was desperate for grips for a last minute green screen crew on John Adams and asked me to come down for 3 days and help out.  After 3 days, they asked me to stay the rest of the week.  I worked on that show for 3 months and now i am in the union working on big (budget) films... because of a magic show.  

She just needs to get her feelers out there and just converse with people.  For the past seven years I have been working gigs that either pay well teach me something or put me in contact with people in a position to give me a leg up.  I have also worked construction and a lot of stagehanding to pay bills.  Bull$hit your way  into a job you cant handle and figure it out, earn while you learn.  Make some money buy some equipment use equipment to make more money.  repeat.  Thing is, its not steady work and it takes a long time to get over feeling unemployed on your days off.  Clients are always going to want way more than they deserve for what they are able to pay you.  Freelancing is great for me, because i have no clue what i want to do when i grow up, but some people would go crazy.  

er... i hope that helps.  

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you'll feel better.

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #22 on: June 25, 2008, 01:30:37 PM »
Damn I can't help but like your attitude.  8)

Good advice there Klark.

Well Said.
Stranger in a strange land

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2008, 02:13:49 PM »
I live in Fort Wayne, IN and can't think of anywhere really interesting to visit on the way other than

Pokagon State park is not far from me and just a few minutes from the toll road, there is camping there.

Good luck on your endeavor.

No matter how fast or how far I rode, I couldn't leave her memory behind.

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Re: About to do something drastic...
« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2008, 07:42:28 AM »
If nothing else, it sounds like you've laid some good groundwork to return to Baltimore.  But it also sounds like you'll make it anywhere.  Do it.

We will be expecting reports from time to time.  Campgrounds with WiFi are probably far and few between, but Starbucks (or as we like to call them, Fourbucks) with WiFi are EVERYWHERE.  Not too much, just every week or two, a word on how you're doing...
Go metric, every inch of the way!

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