Author Topic: My Longest scoot to date: Iron Maiden.  (Read 2740 times)

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My Longest scoot to date: Iron Maiden.
« on: June 24, 2008, 07:20:31 PM »
Hey all

A few weeks preparing my ride for the 1250km Iron-ass ride from Halifax to Montreal for Heavy Mtl with Iron Maiden.  We left early on friday morning and the trip took about 14 hours altogether.  The show was amazing and once the pictures are taken off the digital camera I'll post em.

On a sad note, the friends we stayed with while in the city were in a terrible car accident on their way home.  A car was traveling in the wrong direction on the divided highway and hit their rental car head on.  Visibility was almost zero on account of thundershowers.  All of our friends in the rental escaped with their lives, although many broken bones.  The driver and one passenger in the other car died.  One 17 yr old survived.  It was believed that alcohol was involved...

Luckily my girl convinced me to stop for the night rather than try reach our waypoint at my uncle's house 2 hours away. 

Other than burning oil fairly fast (along with an oil leak) and very loose chain (note to self, bring 24mm wrench with you when traveling across the country) that i didn't torque quite enough in montreal.

We arrived home safe and sound with only mild sunburns and wet clothes.  Our friends are still in the hospital in Moncton.

Offline Ecosse

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Re: My Longest scoot to date: Iron Maiden.
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2008, 11:04:50 AM »
Just read this post. Sorry to hear about the accident; my best to your friends.

Off topic: I'm from Amherst MA. and have been curious about other 'Amhersts'  such as in Nova Scotia.

I hear NS is beautiful so a trip may be in order one day.

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Re: My Longest scoot to date: Iron Maiden.
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2008, 06:17:12 PM »
Just read this post. Sorry to hear about the accident; my best to your friends.

Off topic: I'm from Amherst MA. and have been curious about other 'Amhersts'  such as in Nova Scotia.

I hear NS is beautiful so a trip may be in order one day.

Nova Scotia = beautiful and lots of twisties.
Amherst, Nova Scotia = not too interesting but it is close to Oxford, the "Blueberry capital of Canada". Whatever blows your hair back.

All of my friends are out of the hospital except for one, still under observation.  I'll make time tomorrow to post the trip pics.