The world loves irony. Flown in yesterday was a guy who, according to his family, always wears his helmets, (couple diff. kinds) always makes his kids wear theirs, etc... but one of the rare times he took a spin 'round the block without, wham, bam, an SUV hits him, prob 1/8 of his cranium's caved in, his eyes are bugged out, big stent in his head and he's very _very_ out of commission for at least a little while. (i.e. I'm not a doctor, but he looked bad.)
It's hard to look at this stuff and say "People should have the freedom to make this a possibility."
I did my job, took him to his procedure, held his hand (who knows, he might have noticed, somehow) and took him back to his room in the ICU... the whole time realizing that that sight (and more) make me an "all the gear, all the time" advocate.