Author Topic: the sohc4 store  (Read 4485 times)

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Re: the sohc4 store
« Reply #25 on: July 16, 2008, 05:10:09 AM »
Okay (been thinking on it...), how about this? It's a partial offering, but of the most popular pieces of some of my "stuff"...this is such a terrific idea you've had, I can't let it go...

The "Basic" Transistorized Ignition. (No extra features.)
The 1-ohm Resistor Pack (for those 3-ohm Dyna/Accel/Magna coils).

Other, customized, items would just have to be handled separately, I now.

I could also add to the list when more "standardized" versions of some of the other things come along, like Swingarm Rebuilds or other Electrical Kits I'm creating (one will be the LED timing lite, for use with the Ignition).

If it can automatically donate a designated $$ amount or % back to support, that would help me out, too. (The ads here do something like that, too.) I have to do it as a separate transaction now, just uses up valuable evening time.
See for info about the gadgets I make for these bikes.

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Offline Hope

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Re: the sohc4 store
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2008, 07:28:14 AM »
I'm glad someone brought this back up. Was just thinking about it.

Hope, have you officially stepped up to designing the store?

I need the following things for each item from the sellers
1.  Photo of item(s) for sale
2.  Title of the item for sale
3.  Description of the item for sale
4.  Your Paypal email address
5.  Price of item

You can PM me for an email address to send it to.  Please organize your information in some fashion.  I will work on it as time permits.  I am usually very prompt & efficient, but I expect the information to trickle in & can only update it as I have the information. 

When I have posted a link for the store, sellers please start checking your Paypal accounts & email accounts regularly to see if you have any pending orders!

Hey MODS.... MODERATORS, HELLOOOOOO?!?!    Shouldn't we require that people should be a member for x amount of time or have so many posts before submitting their stuff to the store?  We do not want people to join just to put stuff in the store.  So, how long should someone be a member and/orhow many posts should they have?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2008, 07:36:31 AM by Hope »

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Re: the sohc4 store
« Reply #27 on: July 17, 2008, 07:51:01 AM »
Hope, I've longed for that to be implemented in the classifieds just to keep scammers from posting there.  The flip side is that it still benefits the community if they're offering something and we haven't had much of a problem, though there have been some people I wouldn't buy from because of their attitude and money grubbiness.  Guess what?  They're gone now.  Imagine that.  I hope they completed all their deals before they disappeared.

Not to be confused with a couple good folks that I miss contributing.

I'll get my stuff together and get it to you.  Thanks for putting together a list of what we need to submit and handling this.  Let me know if you want some gauge faces or decals.

1977 CB750