Update again:
Bought a set of (very) used coils on flea bay and swapped them out. It WORKED!!!!!!!!
What the hell? I've metered/tested the coils many times and they always were in spec. I was just grasping at straws when I bought the coils, but dammit, it's running good now.
Question is, what on Earth could have been wrong with the old coils? Minor internal short that only showed up when running for awhile? Very strange. Now I wish I had sprung for new coils, since the wires on these are kinda nasty. Might buy new ones, or try the wire replacement thing, but for now I just wanna ride! Three years with this stupid problem.
Anyhow, I still have some minor jetting things to work out but at least I can ride it! Thought I'd post just to say that even when you're sure something is OK, it may not be.