And they took out my stitches. Woo hoo. I never dreamed my fingers would stiffen up so much from just 3 weeks of non-use. Being able to ride again is my main motivation. It's hard to measure the progress, but I'd say I'm almost 1/4 of the way to being able to make a fist. Yesterday I'd say I was at 1/32, so that's some good progress for the first day. Straightening my fingers beyond where they've been sitting is harder work than regaining the flexibility. It feels like I'm trying to lift 5000 lbs. I'm sending the signals to move, but they just won't go. I'm sure they will eventually with some work. I think it's too early to try to set a goal for riding again, but if I can keep steady progress like today, I think I could grab the clutch lever by the weekend. Not that I'd try riding this weekend, ...but maybe next weekend.
Anyway, I figured I'd give y'all an update and thanks for all the support. Special thanks to tank410 and Honda! for being patient about the things we had going on. The roulette gauge faces are in the mail Timmy.