Author Topic: Auxilliary Lights  (Read 1109 times)

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Offline medic09

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Auxilliary Lights
« on: July 03, 2008, 07:13:04 PM »
I'm going to add lights to my Sprint.

I'm looking at Motolights. Cal Sport Touring has them for a good price.

I've been reading mixed reviews around the internet. Some folks are happy with them; some say they don't shed much additional light at night.

I want something that I (a total mechanical and electrical dummy) can install without much trouble.

I want to improve my ability to see at night.

I want to improve the 'visibility' of my bike to other drivers.

What are you all using, and happy or unhappy with, and why? Where on the bike did you mount your lights?


'78 CB750K
'76 Triumph T160 Trident (rebuilding)
'07 aprilia Caponord

Santa Fe, NM

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Re: Auxilliary Lights
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2008, 08:04:23 PM »
Your probably going to need some help with this considering your self proclaimed inexperience.  The reason is that most states require a relay to cut off the driving lights when the main headlight switches to high beam.  It may be a little more than "simple" wiring.  I'm not familiar with the lights you're looking at.  They may come with the relay and clear instructions.  But without those, it may be difficult.

Then there's my opinion about lighting in general.  Sure, driving lights will light the road better.  But the people who need to notice you are not in front of you.  They are to your right or left, busy running a stop sign because they didn't see you.  During the day, I think the only thing that might help you be seen is some serious neon clothing, but that is also seriously ugly.  At night, I think more side and rear marker lights help greatly.  I also believe in additional brake lights.  In 1984, when I tried to be a car salesman, I learned 2 things.  1. I can't lie well enough to sell cars.  2.  Those extra brake lights that appeared in 1985 model cars were a result of a study that was done right here in Washington D.C..  2000 cabs were fitted with these lights and rear end accidents were CUT IN HALF!!!  I fitted my 750K4 with some turn signals(red) from a Yamaha as brake lights, and some generic amber marker lights at the bottom of the fork legs.

I wish I still had that bike.

Oh, who am I kidding?  I wish I had all my former bikes.
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Offline medic09

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Re: Auxilliary Lights
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2008, 08:11:12 PM »
Thanks, 333.

I don't know about the other brands, but Motolights comes complete with a relay and good instructions.

I agree about side and rear visibility, but that doesn't do away with the need to see where I'm going.
For night riding, I wear a vest that my wife says can be seen a literal mile away.  My Sprint (not our other bikes) has SOLAS tape in strategic places side and rear.  I had a Kisan modulating brake light that got attention, but it didn't last long.  I haven't bought another.

Anyway, it's the lights I'm after for the moment.

'78 CB750K
'76 Triumph T160 Trident (rebuilding)
'07 aprilia Caponord

Santa Fe, NM