I just purchased a Shumacher Battery Companion
Model 1562A battery charger/maintainer.
When I connect my one year old Energizer battery I initially get an 'amber' charging LED light but after about a minute the 'red' overload LED starts to glow, faintly at first then gradually brighter.
I've had to have this battery charged on 3 occasions, once from a depleted state (no headlight/taillight to speak of) and twice from a low charge (say in the 10 to 11 volt range). EACH time I broke it down for the dude that it had to be trickle charged but since I didn't see the actual setup I can't be certain they did what I told them to do. I do know that on one occasion, the guy said his charger didn't go any lower than 2amps.
It does take a charge (voltage increased about .4 volts in the 45 minutes or so I left it connected before noticing the 'overload' LED was on. Is this battery garbage or is there some way to salvage it? Is a 1.5 amp trickle too high? Can't imagine it is. Can I run some kind of load test with a multimeter that'll give me more information than the idiot light on the charger or is it not even worth it?
If it is garbage, is there a clear choice as far as battery manufacturers? The local AutoZone carries a line called MAGNA POWER selling for $33. The local Straus sells a CHAMPION product for $38.