I found a tab/pry spot, that fastbroshi spoke up. I was timid about prying on it, b/c I didn't to damage anything. Then I broke out a crowbar, and went to town. I use some 2X4 to support. I had bent one of the fins slightly, earlier, and didn't want to do that again. So, they're off.
Thanks everyone.
In summary (just so this thread could benefit others),
-12 nuts and washer + 2 bolts need to be removed.
-Pry pads are on the backside of head, sort of under the No 1 and 4 intake runners. Runners were removed for convenience.
-Since the Pry pads are the head only, use something to support the prybar. Don't pry against the fins. I used a piece of 2X4, longside up.
-Lastly, don't be timid about it. Put your weight behind. But dont' hurt yourself neither.