Author Topic: cb 350 gasket set question  (Read 1582 times)

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cb 350 gasket set question
« on: July 15, 2008, 03:00:21 PM »
I'm in the process of rebuilding the top end of my 72' 350 twin.  I got a gasket set from sirius and am referencing from both a haynes and clymer manual.  Both say to use o-rings around the positioning dowels for the head, cylinder, cam basket.  I'm not seeing them in the kit, but i do see 4 of what look like little oil seals with springs mounted in them.  what am I looking at.  I found no o-rings around the dowels during dissasembly and I don't want oil leaks.  help

Offline schwebel

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Re: cb 350 gasket set question
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2008, 04:58:02 PM »
That doesn't sound right. I just rebuilt my 73 cl350 twin and it had O-rings on the dowels when I dissasembled it. Did you look up inside the holes? Maybe when you pulled them out, the seals where jammed into the holes ???. The seals with the springs should be your valve stem seals. I think your kit is missing a small  bag of O-rings, mine came with them. I'd double check the packaging, or maybe they fell out on the floor somewhere, it is a very small bag. I also got my kit from sirius on Ebay. If you can't find them I'd contact sirus and tell them you were jipped.


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Re: cb 350 gasket set question
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2008, 06:19:44 PM »
good plan, i'll check the holes and give sirius hell.  i did not find stem seals in the dissasembly either??

Offline schwebel

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Re: cb 350 gasket set question
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2008, 09:47:26 PM »
No valve stem seals ??? ???. I haven't seen that before. Are you sure we are talking about the same part? You removed the valve spring retainers, springs and valves and there were no seals in there? That thing must have burned more oil than a


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Re: cb 350 gasket set question
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2008, 08:57:58 AM »
Nope no valve stem seals.  the seals themselves have a ridge on where they would fit on the end of the guide but the guides have no corresponding groove and are smooth, does the inner spring hold it in place?  I've looked at bikebandit's parts fische and they don't show any seals or o-rings on the dowels.  did find o-rings under the dowels on the case but none in the head or cylinders.  my gasket set did not have the little bag of o-rings and i have a call into sirius to see if i was shorted.
Also my kit included 2 rubber sleeves approx. 7mm tall 7mmod X 5mmid do those belong on the 2 outer front studs, there are 2 rubber thingies there now but the seem really deformed.
Should there be an o-ring on the top and bottom of each dowel? on every dowel case, cylinders, head, cam basket?


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Re: cb 350 gasket set question
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2008, 11:21:18 AM »
ok, cannot get a good answer about the o-rings and i was wrong about finding some in the case there were none anyware. wtf???  that's an oil galley right?  shouldn't the gasket seal around the dowel?  the photo in the clymer manual shows an o-ring around a dowel between the head & cylinder on the outer rear right stud, and all my dowels are in the front.  i've been searching different years and the parts fische schematics don't show the o-rings or valve stem seals for the cb/cl350 twin.  what is going on??