I cleaned up and polished my handlebar controls this way with lil dremel brushes a long time ago, but it just didn't occur to me to do this to the engine. with larger brushes. the lower case looks pretty slick, so I'm going further. upper case is at a machinist's shop collecting dust...
I've been lookin all over for gun cleaning kits. no luck. but I just found a bunch of stuff on the sears website under 'tube brush'. HF is too far and I just ordered #$%* from them, don't wanna pay shipping again.
me and my gfriend are gonna ride on over to sears right now. got the day off. gonna polish up my cylinders. should be lots of nitpicky detail work. my fave. (not being ironic) I love this type of stuff for some messed up reason.
OCD? you tell me.