Yes caution is wise when you don't know what you are doing. Manual should help with that as will this forum. Unfortunately, the routine you describe will not usually be sufficient with these carbs. Pilot circuit will need a good bit of attention, including pulling and soaking / clearing the slow jets. Before you remove your carbs, check that accelerator pump is working (filter off, whack open throttle and look for fuel squirting from small brass nozzles located at the bottom of the carb bore next to the choke plates). If not, give that extra attention while the carbs are off. Set float level and once assembled check fuel heights in bowl with some clear tubing attached to the overflow spiggots (hold tubing up along carb body and open up drain screw; the level of fuel in the tube is the level of fuel in the bowls; all should be the same and should be at or just below the bowl to carb body seam.) Bench synch the carbs while you have them off. Have fun!