Author Topic: Any Mikuni Flat Slide experts out there?  (Read 1640 times)

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Any Mikuni Flat Slide experts out there?
« on: July 16, 2008, 06:45:28 AM »
I bought this set of carbs from a guy on Craigslist ($20!!!). Dusty but almost new!

They are numbered VM33 A14 which according to Sudco is for a GS1000 or 1100.

Does anyone know what the difference would be between these and the A4s which are for the CB1100F? Spacing and jetting I would imagine.
I don't have one now, but I WILL have one some day. I would like to use these carbs on it if I could.
Otherwise I might just put them up on ebay if they are not usable for anything I may one day own.

Thanks for any help.

Offline inline4

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Re: Any Mikuni Flat Slide experts out there?
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2008, 06:36:51 PM »
Damn man. You don't play fair! ;D ;D
If they fit the suzuki GS series, them I'm quite sure they will also fit the Kawasaki Z1/KZ series. To find out for sure, ask the guys here:
Tell 'em inline4 sent you. :) :)
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Re: Any Mikuni Flat Slide experts out there?
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 07:03:58 PM »
Thanks for the link. I'll register tomorrow and have a look around. A Z1 is another bike I one day need to have.

$20 is a ridiculous deal, I know. I offered him $40 which is still dumb cheap but he said $20 takes them. I think he was surprised that I rode an hour and a half to pick up an old set of carbs. I kinda feel bad getting them so cheap but he mentioned they were racing carbs in the posting so maybe he knew what they were.
On a crappy note, he was cleaning his place up getting ready to move which is why he had the carbs up for sale. He saw my 350F and said he just sent one to the junkyard a week ago. He said he would have given it to me if he still had it. That kind of bummed me out.