754, you seem to be a do it yourself guy
http://www.flickr.comNow no more excuses, lets see what you have

When you are in Flickr and on the photo you are trying to display here, right click on the image, then select Properties. In the middle of the box that comes up is the Address..http, blah, blah. Highlight that URL address and copy it. Come back to your post and paste the address in where you want the picture to appear in the input area. Then highlight it again within the input area and select the image icon above the input area. It will place delimiters on each end of the URL that the software will then interpret and recognize it as an image and retrieve the content from the address you inserted.
If those don't make sense, try these instructions.

Get to that place were you can click on "All sizes" Then holding down control key click on image and take the "open in new window" option. copy the url at the top of the browser......
Go to forum, click on image icon
Then paste in the url from above between the <img > ............... <img> brackets into the forum