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Glenn, how do I update my info in the members registry?
For privacy, the member list doesn't provide detailed information, but this will tell you a bit about how many SOHC/4 members live in your area.For example, British Columbia: like there are 4 members in Kelowna.The new directory is only currently online for the US, Canada, and continental Europe.
Okay, I set up a map on Google maps. Here is the link:,-91.538086&spn=64.263856,108.984375&z=3To add your location and username, click on the edit button on the right hand side of the column on the left, next to the "collaborate" link. Once you click on edit, 4 symbols will show up on the map. The one you want to use is the "add a placemark" feature. Find your city and put the placemark on top of it. Then put your username in the title and any other info you want in the description. It is easier to find your city and then put the placemark down. Once you are done, click on the save button where you clicked on the edit button and it should save your location. Hope this helps...Zach
yea , i'm not on the list either.
I rarely see another SOHCer round here. Ill make it a point to wave and look 4 the opportunity to talk a little, but its rare. Most I see are junked up DOHCs, and they think they are twice as good as me.......
.. without ever stopping in for a short visit, or to just say Hi.??Now to be fair, I realize not everybody is on the same wavelength, and not everybody likes every member they chat with on here..but when you see them ride by within 800 ft of your place you do get to wondering a bit.. So just incase, I will say again.. any member on this forum is invited to drop in to the shop.. anytime.., just pm me to make sure we get a time that works for both of us..