I like google maps a LOT more, why not have 2? Also I notice LOTS of people with little or no information, no pics, and outdated on that map. Also it's a lot harder to find people, and or recognize those little orange dots on the map. Hopefully constructive criticism, because I actually really like this idea.
If anyone wants to join in on this one, this is how you add your placemark.First you need to sign into you google or gmail account (I think maybe not necessary correct me if I'm wrong) and then select "Edit" This should be in the left sidebar.
Once your in edit mode you should see 4 little icons in the upper left corner of the map. You want to select this one

Simply drag the marker to where you live, fill in your name and information (you might have to click on the marker after you drop it where you live to see the information field to fill in)
If you want to get really creative when your filling in your info, you should see a option for "rich text" this will allow you to add a small image, and also change how your placemarker looks (thats how some have motorcycles or red ones)

For any additional information, just ask and you may want to see googles how to page as well.
http://local.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=68480Hope that helps,