Author Topic: Can anyone help real quick???  (Read 1426 times)

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Can anyone help real quick???
« on: September 03, 2005, 11:35:46 AM »
I am on my way to the parts store for some parts wash... I have read that Yamaha made the best.

1)   Do I have to go to a Yamaha dealer to get it???

2)   Is it really the best???

Hondalubr (Mike D.)

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Re: Can anyone help real quick???
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2005, 12:50:42 PM »

It's not really parts wash, it's carb cleaner.

It works great at dissolving varnish in the carb, and can be used without taking apart carbs, and won't harm o rings.

But, it won't dissolve oil or grime worth a #$%*.  In that respect, it's nothing like spray carb cleaner.

I was very dissapointed because my carbs had no varnish, but they were ultra-grimy from leaky top-end oil.  So, I actually used gasoline to soak and clean grime, then soap and water to remove residue.

Don't use Berrymans ChemDip, unless it's for internal parts.  I used it on my carb bodies and left it in there for days and it etched the aluminum and looked horrible -- I ended up getting them bead blasted to restore some kind of bright finish.




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Re: Can anyone help real quick???
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2005, 05:07:13 PM »
Ok well I went to the local Yamaha dealer and they were out of stock anyway. I am just going to use my berrymans on the internal followed by a gasoline rinse. Hopefully that will do the trick. I am having trouble getting out my slows, they are pressed in. Any suggestions?

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Re: Can anyone help real quick???
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2005, 05:15:19 PM »
Are you one of our red-headed step-child owners (read '78 750)?  We've had several postings about those jets recently.  You can use a pair of pliers to remove the jets.  Make sure you twist, but don't wiggle back and forth.  They'll come out rather easily and you can gently tap them back in to seat once you're done cleaning them.  Here's a link to a post on replacement jets.

Hope this helps.
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