Ok, I went home for lunch and spend some quality time with the bike.
I dropped the float bowls. No discernable water in them. I'm not sure what to look for, but it all looked like one liquid (gas). One float bowl had a 1/4 inch long floating red something in there. It seemed like a flexible acrylic paint chip or something. I have no idea where that came from. It wasn't tank liner and I had the bowls off a month and a half ago on a clean workbench. I must have missed something, or dropped this piece of thing in there... dunno. (I hate when that happens)
I pulled plugs 3 and 4 both looked very reasonable (I ran out of time for 1 and 2). They were on the cold/rich side of good but still within good running condition.
With only 1/4 of a tank of gas left I looked in and couldn't tell if there may be any water in there. I poured my remaining half can of Seafoam in there because it says it helps to dry and stabilize gas.
My Martek ignition looks fine, and the points gasket held up to the weather because it was totally dry in there. The LED's which fire the ignition were clean and unobstructed.
Pulled the airbox and double checked that, all seemed good.
So, I put my helmet on and headed back to work on the bike.
The condition still exists, and here's the best description I can give of its symptoms....
Throttle response is normal when the bike is in neutral and the bike idles perfectly. Crack the throttle in neutral and it sound good, even up at 5 to 6K... Like it wants to light the tires up. Put it in first and throttle response/acceleration is normal for the first 1/4 of the throttle range. After that it boggs down not unlike a lot of choke on a hot engine.
All remaining gears have slightly less response up to 5th where there is little throttle response and pre-detonation sounds when the throttle is really opened. It coasts just like it should.
I rode the bike 5 miles into work and the condition did not change at all.
Does anyone have any thoughts?
My next steps are:
- pull #1 and #2 plugs for a look
- drain the remainder of my gas and try it in the lawn mower

- remove the carbs, clean and blow out the jets