when you cleaned your carb's.,did you take the idle jets out nad confirmed that all the orfices where clean and could be sprayed trough with brake cleaner or carb cleaner??
many of us here had to take the carbs apart a few times to get it cleaned right...
it really sounds like your idle jet/orfices are plugged,below 3000 rpm dropping dead etc..
to bench sync. the carbs,take the top lids of the carbs,3 of em will have a adjusting bolt/nut and 1 wont have that..
start with the one that doesnt have it,turn up idle screw and insert a wd-40 straw or small drill bit under the carb slide,then turn out idle screw till straw can just slide in/out....
then with the top adjusting screws set the other 3 carbs with the straw till you get the same result..
this will get it close enough to be able to idle decent..
then reinstall carbs ,start engine and turn down idle screw.....
if carbs are indeed cleaned perfectly,and bench sync is set right,and intake boots are installed correctly,and boots dont leak or cracked the bike should idle fine..
when bike is running,did you try and spray wd-40 on the intake boots??? if there is a air leak,it will show up by rpm changing when sprayed with wd 40..
good luck..