Not sure about the Omar's rearsets, but what will you be doing for mufflers? You might want the brackets to help hold the pipes. Then again, you might not, too. I plan on keeping my brackets to help hold the pipes on my K8 cafe.
Thanks. That's a good point. I'm supposed to be getting a new set of Kerkers today and I will see how they mount up. On a previous bike, I welded a tab to connect to the peg mount, so maybe that's an option. Just want to clean the frame up as much as possible.
Don't know about the Kerker, I think it uses the Rt side Peg mount. You could take off the left one.
Also, I've had pipes in the past that used the top right side shock mount. It came off the shock mount with a flat "L" bracket to get clear of the spring, then had a rod to drop down and had another flat with a hole in it welded onto the bottom of the rod to bolt to the muffler.
I still have the pipe could get a picture of the mount.
Then you could take both peg mounts off. As far as the pipe is concerend.
Still, many rear sets use some of the peg mounts. Perhaps you could just cut them back to the minimum stub needed for the rearset. I do like the look without them.