Hi there!
Just picked up a running 75 CB750 ($500!) and in searching out parts and such came across this site. Seems it will need just about everything as the front caliper is seized, the heads leak, tires and chain are ten years old (out of registration since 1998), clutch is adjusted all the way out and some random electrical weirdness that's hopefully just bulbs (yeah, right).
Where were you guys 22 years ago when I had a 400F that needed a new top end? (oh, right... I'm old. No internet back then

Looking forward to posting pics and showing off my ignorance. Here's a couple from the day I picked it up.

Thanks to all as I've already gleaned a metric ton of good SOHC info concerning chains, sprockets, gasket kits and HD studs just lurking.
Feeling pretty confident about tearing it down BUT my very first question would be, having never done it before, would you attempt to save some cash and mount the tubes and tires yourself? Seems like it should be simple but about the only thing that scares me is random tire deflation at speed.
Second question is does this forum need another play by play tear down thread? Cause I'll do it

Thanks again!