Legs swell from bad circulation which causes fluid to "pool". He should wear compression socks to keep it down. Personally, I like the ones without toes, but with heels. I forgot why it's bad for fluid to collect in your legs- something about heart attack maybe. He's not moving oxygen, so he gets tired easy. A little listless. Laying on his back may cause chest tightness because fluid will build up in his chest and put pressure on his heart and lungs, so he may feels more comfortable trying to sleep sitting up. Not a huge panic- jillions of us old fu- uh- farts go through this. He'll probably be prescribed some diuretic, blood pressure, maybe a cholesteral pill- who knows.
You never listen to me, but I'm going to tell you anyway;
Sit on his doctors chest and keep slapping him in the face until he tells you everything you need to know and promises to be available to answer questions that come up later. A good nurse is even better- they usually know more about the realities of this stuff anyway- but you have to establish who's working for who and deliniate a clear pecking order. If he suspects you're not really that interested, he'll ignore you and you'll live in darkness.