Author Topic: cb350f new exhaust, now idle problems  (Read 1122 times)

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cb350f new exhaust, now idle problems
« on: July 28, 2008, 05:39:55 PM »
I replaced the "mufflers" that came with the bike that I just bought and now it wont idle or rev without dying unless the choke is open. The exhaust it came with had no baffles at all and was more than a bit loud so I replaced it with a jardin system. Do you think I could adjust the air/fuel or will it need re-jetting? I'm new to these bikes & don't even know which is the fuel adjust & which is the air. Any kind of tips on tuning the carbs on the 350f would be appreciated.

Offline strangedaze39

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Re: cb350f new exhaust, now idle problems
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 07:40:29 PM »
You probably need to synch your carbs/ time your bike/ and make sure it has a clean air filter. If your Jardine isn't a 4-1 you should not need re-jetting if it already has stock jets.

Where did you pick up that jardine and any pics if you don't mind?

Hope that helps.
1972 Honda CB350F


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Re: cb350f new exhaust, now idle problems
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2008, 11:01:41 PM »
Thanks strangedaze, It seems I'm just a bit of a moron though. I though open, meant the choke was engaged when in fact it means it isn't (it's open). Im used to old british bikes that just have the pull choke (no explanation needed). I got the jardine exhaust second (or possibly third or fourth) hand from another member here. They are in pretty good shape though & sound great. I'll post some pictures of them for you when I find the USB for my digital camera.

Offline strangedaze39

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Re: cb350f new exhaust, now idle problems
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 09:19:54 AM »
LMAO  :D No worries, I did the same exact thing a couple months ago. A 10+ year head kawasaki mechanic told me the same thing you thought, and I had a feeling he was wrong but I listened to him anyways. Ended up asking here why my bike wouldn't run now with the choke set properly  :P Until I had members asking if this was a joke.

Anyways, glad it was a simple fix. Would love to see some pics when you find your cam.

Have a good one.
1972 Honda CB350F


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Re: cb350f new exhaust, now idle problems
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 11:06:51 PM »
Haven't found the camera but heres a bad photo taken with my phone..

Mac makes slip on mufflers for the cb500k that supposedly fit a 350f that look pretty much the same and they have removable/replaceable baffles, here's a link