"i'm on a very small dose of oxycodone (not oxycontin)"
Oxycodone and oxycontin are the same exact thing. Let me explain, oxycodone is the main "ingredient" in oxycontin (actually the only, except for standard pill fillers).
I can promise you, if your feeling "lazy", muscle fatigue, up and down depending on when you last dose was, and slight depression (maybe even severe) it's going to be a direct result of being on oxycodone. I would HIGHLY recommend getting off of it, and although getting off it might actually be the hardest thing you've ever done it will be worth it.
It's a tricky situation because you don't want to become a slave to a strong opiate and feel the side effects I mentioned above(and more), but you don't want to be in constant pain.
Your best bet is to talk to your doctor about moving onto a non addictive pain killer (I'm not saying that your "addicted" but a non addictive pain killer will make a dramatic difference in how you feel from day to day)
If you don't mind me asking what .mg of oxycodone are you prescribed at the moment?
Let me know if you have any Q's I have a good friend thats in almost the same medical situation, I would be glad to ask her any Q's 2. (Feel free to PM me 2)