First, if what you say is true about the "friends" badgering, and can be proven, a lawsuit is certainly in order. This kid's Mom needs to know this.
Then, a story. I used to work at a dealer, in the parts department. One Saturday, I came upstairs to go get lunch and when I went out the front door, I saw a salesman teaching a customer about the controls on a 600cc sport bike he was taking delivery of. (I know you guys can see this one coming, but wait for it). It's a busy day, there are about 6-8 people standing around watching, and the parking lot is somewhat full. Full enough that at the end of the front row(the way the bike happens to be pointed) is a bright red pickup that is only half way in the space, and you guessed it, the other half sticking out in the lane. I have this nose for disaster, so I stopped to watch as well. The salesman is saying "now hold the throttle at a relaxed angle, and use your wrist to twist the throttle gently as you release the clutch lever". The guy apparently had never ridden even a mini bike, much less a motorcycle. The guy takes a hold of the throttle at a very high angle, so he couldn't do anything but grab a whole lot of throttle. The bike revs way high. He dumps the clutch and the bike bolts. It was like the (bright red)truck was a magnet, because he couldn't avoid it. WUMP! I don't know what ever happened to the guy, whether he ever rode it again. I do know that he did almost $4000.00 damage to the bike, which was about a $7000.00 bike at the time.
I don't know who's more responsible, the salesman, or the sales manager. But somebody should have stopped that from happening.