I searched my face off.. tried lots of different things.. and can't figure it out.
My bike sat a really long time.. the brake fluid eventually dried up out of the m/c res.
I added new fluid.. freed up the piston in the m/c.. i can bench bleed the m/c with my finger and it will pump fluid out and then draw new from the res...
Once connected to the line it won't bleed. It's driving me nuts.. If i stick my finger over the caliper hole, press the brake lever.. I barely feel anything. So i figured maybe an "air cushion" in the line or something.. I was very patient and did this for about an hour and the res took about 2cc of fluid! blah.
So after more research someone recommends filling the m/c, leaving the cap off, opening the bleed valve at the caliper and let it work the bubbles up.
I left it like this overnight... not a single drop of fluid made it's way through.
What do you think i'm dealing with here?
I've done brake jobs on dirtbikes before with no prob but this is diff because the line isn't a solid line as you know. It connects to the head tube bracket where the brake sensor is attached then down to the caliper.
I can't hear anything leaking anywhere and there is no fluid escaping along the path or down by the caliper.
any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.