Author Topic: New rubber! Time for tires, what do you think... Michelin Macadam M50E and M50  (Read 2384 times)

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Offline jason teamshralp

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I've done some searching around and found that for my 78 cb550k I should have a 3.25"x19" (100/90x19) tire out front and a 4.00"x18" (110/90x18) in the rear. If that is correct, I found these Michelin Macadam M50E (front) and M50 (rear) tires that I liked. They have a semi-modern look but don't look too new. also thought about some other brands like Avon, Bridgestone/Firestone but these were by Michelin and were a medium price.

Here is an image of the tire. and also the website I was going to order from.(cheapest prices I found)

So my questions are what do you guys think as far as fit?
and anyone have any opinions on quailty, duribility, traction, etc.?
Should I go with something else?
Also I've never bought tires for a motorcycle, anything to look out for?

Offline bwaller

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The sizes you mention seem to be what most are using.

I'm running Macadams on a couple bikes and I like them. They are offered in lots of sizes and they have lasted very well. Seem to hook up well too... no complaints.

I understand Michelin is replacing the Macadam with a newer more modern looking tire, Sport Activ or something like that.

Offline ProTeal55

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Avon Roadriders....
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline goon 1492

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 one thing to look out for is the center groove if its a straight line it can cause you to get squirly when on the road because of the straight grooves that are etched into the road surface of many US highways, that is why many moto tires now have a offset groove to help stop tracking.
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Offline Tower

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Michelin is, as you suspect, a solid well made tyre with a good brand name behind it.  Mostly V rated high speed tyres

On the Macadam's: be sure to check the manufacture date, as these tyres have gone out of production as of last year.  Perhaps you can the salesperson into a deeper discount if more than 2 years old.

Note you are getting a slightly older tyre compound - not as sticky as newer tyres and perhaps not the best in the rain.  Priced right and long lasting are their main claims to fame.

Also, as @goon1492 mentioned, centre groove tyres have their weaknesses.

Offline jason teamshralp

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Okay so I noticed that a set of Avon Roadriders in the same sizes, would be about $20 cheaper. I just assumed that Avon's would be more expensive. Are Avon tires the best or popular for some other reason?

Also would you guys suggest buying them from a shop or buying them online?

Offline jason teamshralp

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also my current front tire is in good condition, should i replace them together or just replace the rear?

Offline Hush

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Just got a very nice Metzler for my front 350 H 19 just like the book reccomends, $215 kiwi fitted.
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I would vote either for Avon Roadrunners, or Bridgestone Battlax BT45. I like the dual compound concept, and they hold well on the road...

But, eventually it's kind of like an oil thread. Lots of people just have their favorites...  ;D
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