There was this doctor that was about to retire after many years of practice. Over all of these years he had the habbit of saving all of the foreskins from every circumcision he had performed, and kept them in a rather large box in the closet. One day while cleaning house, the doctors wife happened across the box of foreskins. Repulsed, she confronted her husband and demanded that he either do something with them, or throw them away. After some thought, he took the box to a leathersmith in town. Plunking the box down on the counter, the leathersmith comes over and peers into the box, and asked what he was supposed to do with all of the foreskins. The doctor expalined that he didn't really care, and just wanted him to "do something". Agreeing to take on the task, the leathersmith told the doctor to come back in two weeks, and he should have something by them. After two weeks had passed, the doctor returns. Seeing the doctor, the leathersmith says "I've got something really nice for you, wait here a minute" and goes into the back room. He returns with a small box about the size of a deck of cards. The doctor is shocked, and opens the box to reveal a wallet. He says to the leathersmith "I gave you a huge box of foreskins and all you could come up with is this wallet?"
The leathersmith looks at the doctor and explains, "yeah, but if you rub it just right it turns into a suitcase!"