The amount of damage you can do with a knife in seconds is pretter severe. If passengers were to come to the aid of the doomed young man, the attacker would have the advantage of being able to fight only one or two guys at once, because the aisle doesn't provide much room. I hate to say this, but I think I would of run off the bus with the other folks. I think I would of assessed the situation, realized it was hopeless, and got out of dodge as quickly as possible.
This story reminds of a question I still haven't found the answer for.
Is there really pure evil in the world? Or are evil acts the by products of chemical imbalances and poor upbringing/abuse. Society seems to want you to believe that evil acts are done by insane people who can't help what they are doing. Could it be that there is no reason behind these acts? Could it be that there is pure evil in the world?