Author Topic: I hope all internet businesses go bust  (Read 2942 times)

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Offline 754

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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2008, 08:56:27 PM »
I dont think the way i do things is perfect, but if it works and I get to keep using it, then I will do so.

 You are right, I have not been to N Dakota, but I have been to S Dakota at least 8 times..

 But this forum deals with bikes and many parts for them are sold online by private sellers so it is relevant..

 I am suggesting if pickers can keep finding the goods, the stuff is out there.. hardship state usually means less stuff thrown out.. lots of stuff on farms, and they did not stop buying bikes in the 60,s..
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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2008, 10:49:39 PM »
.. I use plastic instead of having a couple hundred in cash in my pocket and hoping no one knows it.

  You need a bigger gun Eldar  ;D


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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2008, 06:25:43 AM »
I just might lake!

Sd is WAY different from nd. No one realizes that since they figure we are the same since we share a border. Not so. You may be likely to find things in SD but once you cross that border, it all changes.

Yes hardship means less thrown out, it also means less bought and the things that are bought are practical in nature. In nd a motorcycle is still not seen as practical by a large number of people in the state. That is slowly changing only because of high gas prices.

This forum may deal with private sellers but even more and more of those. Even those I deal with right here, every one has used paypal. I cant remember when I last used MO on ebay. Most now only take paypal. I suppose maybe I could hold out and hope a person comes along that does MO but why.

Offline heffay

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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2008, 06:36:45 AM »
someone loses either way...

lets look at patches... if i get a money order from someone, they shelled out 25-50 cents to purchase and another 42 cents to mail the thing.  if they paypal, i lose right around 3% of every sale from paypal fees. 

i like receiving money orders.   ;D
i like sending paypal.   ;D

but, either way... the patch thing is not an internet business, so i think i'm safe from rocking-m's hex.   8)
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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2008, 05:04:00 PM »
someone loses either way...

lets look at patches... if i get a money order from someone, they shelled out 25-50 cents to purchase and another 42 cents to mail the thing.  if they paypal, i lose right around 3% of every sale from paypal fees. 

i like receiving money orders.   ;D
i like sending paypal.   ;D

but, either way... the patch thing is not an internet business, so i think i'm safe from rocking-m's hex.   8)

Ok Heffay, your safe, I'll just stick my voodoo pins elsewhere.

Hey Eldar I forget you don't get it, there are all types of Klans and probably the biggest chapters were up
north in the 30's. So it was a bit of an allegory. You can look that word up.  ;)

Credit is on the way out, all ready service stations are advertising 2 prices round here, one for cash or check,
and a higher one for credit.


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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #30 on: August 12, 2008, 09:22:43 PM »
Gas stations here do not do that. Only a few places do that. Sorry if you do not get that. So what klan do YOU belong to? The klan of fighting the future? That is destined to fail, it always has.
As for any chapters, I know your "the north caused it all" garbage. Should I then say it is only cause the south is pig headed and cares little for human rights?
Get over the past and move on. Not like you were even alive then. To carry it on is the pinnacle of stupidity. You can look up pinnacle.

Offline 754

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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #31 on: August 12, 2008, 09:34:53 PM »
Eldar, will have a huge surprise, if he goes to a motorcycle swapmeet, and tries to buy anything... ;)
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
Kelowna B.C.       Canada

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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2008, 06:23:14 AM »
754 is it that hard for you to stay on topic? I mean I know you have difficulty but this discussion is about ONLINE sales. NOT in person sales. I know reading is hard for you too, maybe failing eyesight? I LIKE cash. Maybe you missed that. IN stores, I like to use cash.
Am I getting through to you? Any of this sinking in? I doubt it given how you choose not to hear anything that debunks you.


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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2008, 06:24:29 AM »
One other thing to prove how little you know of ND. We have NO motorcycle swap meets. We have swap meets but you might find a few rusted bike parts at maybe 1% of them.

Offline CBGhia

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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #34 on: August 13, 2008, 10:28:13 AM »
The reality is that more and more people are using credit/debit cards.  I set up businesses to accept cards as payment, online, in person, over the phone, whatever.   At most convenience stores 85% or more of their sales are cards, and about 90% of that is debit cards.  Gas stations are hurting so bad right now, that they don't have a choice.   Visa/MC just lowered the rates for gas stations, but the roughly 2% fee is about all of the profit they are making, so they have been making next to nothing. 
I take cash with me to swap meets (though some of the big vendors are getting wireless card machines), but this is about online transactions.  For those, you have no greater protection that a credit card.   No hassle of running to the post office.  You can pay right away and you can dispute the charge if the item doesn't deliver, or if it is damaged or just not as advertised.  You can try to do that with the post office, but how quick are they going to get the money back if an item is damaged or "not as described"?
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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #35 on: August 13, 2008, 02:01:04 PM »
754 is it that hard for you to stay on topic? I mean I know you have difficulty but this discussion is about ONLINE sales. NOT in person sales. I know reading is hard for you too, maybe failing eyesight? I LIKE cash. Maybe you missed that. IN stores, I like to use cash.
Am I getting through to you? Any of this sinking in? I doubt it given how you choose not to hear anything that debunks you.

Damn if this ain't a self serving statement Eldar, your the one jumpin off on racism and other bull #$%*.
Why don't you try to stay on topic? Before, you jump to klan topics understand that I don't want to
join your Kredit Klan, nor, do I want to be forced to (thats the allegorical content of the Klan statement I made).
It's fine for you to do Kredit and I'm not
trying to force an end to it. I just expect the same consideration when I go to buy something.
That is, I do not want to be forced into the credit/debit card scene, I do not give a damn how many other people do it!
So, if a internet business tries to force it on me by not taking anything but plastic, I hope the sob's go belly up.

I hope this is clear enough for you.


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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #36 on: August 13, 2008, 02:32:48 PM »
Rockin, F off. YOU started it, NOT me.

Never used any other kind than a US Postal Money Order. I guess your happy with your way,
just don't join the Klan to force it on me.
YOUR post.

I am NOT trying to force credit cards I am stating that they are just as good, if not better than an MO.

You are not forced into doing it either, your options are just smaller.
Again, as I stated TWICE, I DO like cash for IN PERSON transactions. But as we are talking ONLINE, cc is considered the best way, not just by me, but by the banking industry as a whole.

You do not have to like but what are you going to do IF the cames where MOs do not even EXIST?

You KNEW EXACTLY what you were referring to with your "klan" crap. Do not even try to play innocent on that one. I remember your whole tirade against the north and your revisionist view of the civil war.
get over it move on. Credit cards are here to stay and by extension, so are debit cards.
How many brick walls we have here? Ed, 754, I didn't think you were but maybe I am wrong.

End of discussion, I got better things to do than argue with people stuck in the 70s and probably made to use a computer against their will.


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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #37 on: August 13, 2008, 03:35:53 PM »
Eldar, your about the dumbest funk I've read on the www. Keep up the good work,
it's grand entertainment.

Offline Raul CB750K1

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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #38 on: August 13, 2008, 04:08:07 PM »
Arguing about what's the best way to make a payment is probably the most stupid way to waste your time. I can't believe anybody would waste a minute of his time with it, much less to take it personally.


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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #39 on: August 13, 2008, 11:41:43 PM »
sooooooooooo, how about all those places not accepting money orders anymore. bank charges me 5 dollars to cash one.


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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #40 on: August 14, 2008, 04:18:03 AM »
sooooooooooo, how about all those places not accepting money orders anymore. bank charges me 5 dollars to cash one.

Change banks and in the meantime cash them at the post office.

Offline 74cb750

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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #41 on: August 14, 2008, 04:41:05 AM »
Well, I have recieved cash from African and European (pre-Euro) and Asian countries for parts. Never had any lost in the post.
THis I did mostly for using the cash while substitute teaching. It really impressed the students and always lead to more interest in the subject being taught.

It has been at least 5 years since anyone has sent me cash, and more than 2 years since I've received a money order. I have lost sales because I do not accept money orders, but that's life.

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Re: I hope all internet businesses go bust
« Reply #42 on: August 14, 2008, 08:09:29 AM »
You should read your own crap rock, You could write c class movies for national lampoons. I guess apparently you ARE like ed. Are you sure you are not related to him? Thats too bad. :-\