hey guy's ..
i might get laughed at but this is driving me crazy...
i'm looking for a name from a song that i hear on the local rock station here every once in a while..like maybe twice a year..and every time i catch it they dont say the name of the song,emailing them didnt help,tryed that several times..
so i was wondering if it might ring a bell with any of you..here it goes..
the song is mainly instrumental,with a slower monotone bass line,that makes ya catch yourself rock back and forward on the beat....there is a lot of almost pink floyd guitar play in it..
at the end of the song(its like 10 minutes) they start singing a bit,first low voice and increasingly louder with more force..
now the stupid thing is,i can only remember one line of the little lyric that is in it,and it goes like this:
come on...come on...come on..come on...BABY...come on ...come on...come on....
that repeats itself a few times and them they sing more,but no clue about the lyrics then..
its driving me nuts,its an awesome song and i can NOT find out who sings/playes it..
does anybody have a clue?

.....or cant ya stop laughing now..