When I rebuilt mine, I made a few big mistakes. First, pay attention to the direction everything is facing when you take it apart. Second, replace all parts including the nice looking rubber ones, even if they look good. Third, unplug every hole in the assembly. If you look inside the reservoir you will see a hole about 3/32 dia or so, and another one in front of it. The front one is considerably smaller, and because of this I thougt it was insignificant. Not so, this is the hole for the pressure to release so your brakes release. If you punch it with a scribe a few times and really make sure that the hole is clear, it will work fine. Last thing is make sure you have the wall of the moving parts very clean using whatever method (aside from sand paper) that can get it that way. I just used an old toothbrush and plenty of carb cleaner, and it worked fine. Anyway, that's my spill. A good resource for parts for your whole bike would be mrcycles.com/fiche_select.asp?, then go to the left hand part of the screen and push "honda motorcycle parts". That should help, good luck.