Author Topic: 550 Exhaust Pipe Alignment Issue  (Read 753 times)

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Offline Popwood

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550 Exhaust Pipe Alignment Issue
« on: August 11, 2008, 09:19:20 AM »
Since buying this bike 6 weeks ago I've tried to several times to re-align pipe from No. 2 cylinder because it has a fairly deep score in it from the spring on the side stand rubbing it every time it goes up or down. It's going to foreshorten the life span of this pipe a lot.

When I've attempted to re-align, I've tried positioning it and first tightening the head clamp or the mounting bracket on the passenger pedal mount, but it always goes back to the same position. There was also a 3/4" spacer on the pedal mount bracket that didn't look stock and I tried removing it to see if that helped. Made little, if any difference.

I'm assuming these pipes are original. Is there a trick here? What could be causing the misalignment? The geometry of this keeps me scratching my head.

Thanks for your suggestions.
Current Rides:
1975 cb550K
1975 cb750K
1967 Bridgestone 350GTR

Past Rides:
1988 400 Hawk
195? Schwinn Whizzer

Offline Popwood

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Re: 550 Exhaust Pipe Alignment Issue
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2008, 11:01:06 AM »
I was reading the other current thread about hooking up exhaust and it makes me wonder if the problem could be the exhaust gasket.

I haven't removed to inspect so wondering if it may be worn or misshaped. Since the exhaust head has to seat down just so, a funky gasket could be causing the misalignment.

Any one care to speculate on this or have any other ideas?
Current Rides:
1975 cb550K
1975 cb750K
1967 Bridgestone 350GTR

Past Rides:
1988 400 Hawk
195? Schwinn Whizzer


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Re: 550 Exhaust Pipe Alignment Issue
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2008, 12:20:27 AM »
G`dat mate
It could even be an incorrect pipe, lost of PO`s have done a lot of very strange things to these old girls, you could have a pipe off say a 650 on your 550.
I know theres a few guys here that would be able to help if you posted a few pics.