I'm originally from Illinois and when I was a boy, once or twice in a summer my father would go through the inconvenience of moving things around in the garage in order to get out his '72 Triumph Bonnie and start it up. So, I must have been excited the first time I saw and heard it because every time thereafter, I got REALLY excited. Sometimes the BEST excitement was when I didn't know he was getting it out and all-of-a-sudden I'd hear him start it. Boyyyyy would I come runnin! So, I have to say
that was when I first fell in love with bikes.
When I was 8, my dad bought my 14-year-old brother a 1980 Honda XL185 enduro. 5 years later and after some abuse it was mine.

I would ride that bike evvveryday after school and evvveryday in the summer in the forest preserves near my house. I really miss those times.
Anyway, I love classics and sportbikes, so at 21 I bought a Yamaha YZF600R brand new. Sold that 5 years later for my dream bike - a 2003 Triumph Daytona 955i - bought an '03 Kawi to race on the track with - and pre-inherited my first love, my father's 1972 Bonneville; in pristine condition.