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Fish Tank properties
« on: July 28, 2008, 10:28:39 AM »
My wife describes me as slightly more than opinionated, my friends and colleagues describe me as slightly more than weird, but harmless.
But I digress, and there is something I wanted to share with you guys and ladies. Now I have read a fair number of postings on this forum where members tell of a loved one or family member who is desperately and cruelly ill. And my heart feels deeply for them. But I will tell you of a story of encouragement that amazed me at the time, and stayed with me since then.
I personally new someone like this many years ago when I lived and worked in Italy. Rob was a friend of mine, and his dad was diagnosed with all sorts of cancers and tumours soon after Rob had finally married his childhood sweetheart. In a few months Dad's health was hitting rock bottom, and the doctors were giving him 6 weeks to 3 months tops. Rob had, by coincidence, begun an interest in marine life and fishes, so he had a huge fish-tank built in his living room, which he populated with all kinds of species of fish. He propagated coral and other kinds of plant life. All the machinery and mod-cons were fitted to the tank to make it into a thriving marine community. The filters, pumps and lights. And so on.
One day Rob noticed that when his dad came to visit, he would park himself in front of the fish-tank and watch it's goings on, and it seemed as if his Dad's wheezings and pain induced moans would slowly subside, as if the pleasure of following the surreal movements in the tank were kind of shutting his senses down and giving him a brief respite from the pain and discomfort. The visits became more frequent, and Robbie would leave his dad in front of the tank all afternoon.
To cut a long story, dad lasted not 6 weeks, not 3 months, but 2 whole years after having being given his check-out cards by the medical profession. The joy of it was , that dad survived long enough to meet and hold his first (and only) grandchild.
Now, I don't quite understand what went on, but I think that the gist of the whole story is that when your whole body and spirit are happiest, it can conquer the worst that disease and illness can bring.

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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2008, 10:40:53 AM »
It is amazing sometimes, how the human body can make the medical profession look like fools.
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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2008, 07:11:53 PM »
They say it help Altimerz also.
Mine are filled with Cichlids.
55 Glass
40 Acrylic
2 20 glass

I can sit in front of them for hour's

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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2008, 03:46:15 AM »
Man, I'd love a fish tank with marine plant and fish. They say it takes a heck of a lot of care and attention. Mentioned it to swmbo and she recalled the discussion we had about 4 years ago about the probable purchase of a coffee table, where my final comment was "this house is so small it's gonna have to be a case of one item out, one item in".
She kindly suggested I could have a fish tank of any size I liked if I put it in my shed/workshop. When I retorted that there wasn't enough space in there with the bikes etc, guess what, she actually repeated that comment I made 4 years earlier word for word.
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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2008, 10:24:44 PM »
They say it help Altimerz also.
Mine are filled with Cichlids.
55 Glass
40 Acrylic
2 20 glass

I can sit in front of them for hour's


South American or African? I'm planning on restocking my 120 with Oscars after returning from my little ride. They are more pet than fish.
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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2008, 04:19:54 PM »
hey rhos ..if you would really like a marine tank and space is an issue you should check out a nano reef...try this forum

its not all that much more complicated than fresh water
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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2008, 04:52:46 PM »
I have yellow labs in the 55
breeding pair of Kribs in a 20 and about 30 new one's about a week ago.
baby yellows and kribs in a 20 and misc in the 40.

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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2008, 05:06:21 PM »
When my wife was seeing large numbers of patients regularly, she kept a tank in the waiting room.  Quite a few medical offices and facilities that I've been in have taken to keeping fish tanks.

My cats like them, too.  ;)

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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2008, 06:06:59 PM »
Well I'm sad to say....

My pond and fountain were Ruined by the recent hurricane.

Not a fish tank but I enjoyed the fish and serenity of it all the same.

My Comet goldfish were almost 7 inches and are now either swimming in the sewer or have made thier way to freedom...
Stranger in a strange land


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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2008, 01:49:30 AM »
i'd LOVE a large fish tank but there are 6 reasons why i cant have one........................................hamish, bucky, rocky, macavaty, asparagus, and callie.


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Re: Fish Tank properties
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2008, 01:59:25 AM »
I have heard about the fish tanks being a very relaxing form of therapy, i can also remember they were doing an experimental program a while ago taking pets (cats and dogs ) in to the hospitals and the patients seemed to improve so much more quickly when they had a furry friend to relax them.
If i remember right i think they found cats were slightly more effective than doge, especially lap cats.