Author Topic: 2006 CBR600rr front/pass pegs-will they work on my '78 750k?  (Read 839 times)

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Offline Kev Nemo

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2006 CBR600rr front/pass pegs-will they work on my '78 750k?
« on: August 05, 2008, 06:01:40 AM »
I know I can make it work, I'm just wondering how much I'll have to cut/hammer to make it work? Anyone have any experience switching the old biscuit pegs with newer slim pegs?
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Offline Triffecpa

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Re: 2006 CBR600rr front/pass pegs-will they work on my '78 750k?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2008, 07:26:06 AM »

Are you just trying to put newer aluminum pegs in the place of the older style rubber coated pegs, or are you planning on using the entire 600RR rearset?

If I remember correctly, the 600RR rearsets do not inclulde the brake and shift levers as part of the "package".  They are mounted seperately to the frame or something.

So if you are talking about swapping the rearsets as a unit, there are better choices than the 600RR units.  I use FZR Yamaha units.

If you are just trying to replace the bulky rubber coated pegs with smaller alloy ones, then you need to look at the mounting holders for the various pegs.  The main things to look for are the diameter of the pins that hold the pegs in place and angle stops on the pegs.  There is a rounded and a ninety degree edge on the pegs that fold up.  This is designed to allow the peg to fold up and when it's down, to hold the peg level with the ground. 

I'm pretty sure that you could manage to adapt the newer style pegs to the older brackets, but it would be a certain amount of work.  You also need to have the springs that hold the pegs down also as you don't want the pegs to flop up (or down in the case of the passenger pegs).

Best bet would be to find someone with a newer sport bike who will let you "borrow" his pegs to see how far off they are from your stock Honda ones.

Also, the alloy pegs will transmit more vibration to the soles of your feet than the rubber ones, but I actually prefer the feeling of a more solid connection with the bike.


Offline Kev Nemo

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Re: 2006 CBR600rr front/pass pegs-will they work on my '78 750k?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2008, 09:26:16 AM »
This is just pegs-not rearsets. One day, Tommaselis, but for now cheapy Craigslist swap ;)I have a 2004 CBRf4i in the garage and the mounting looks similar-I think I'll pick them up and just wing it.
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- '78 CB750k bobtrack

Offline Kev Nemo

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- '78 CB750k bobtrack