i watched my younger brother go through two bitter divorces and i wish you all the luck in the world! get the best lawyer you can possibly afford. then, resign yourself to the fact that she's already headed down the nasty route and will gladly feed your testicles to the raccoons if you leave them (the testicles) unattended. also be prepared to defend yourself to the utmost her unsubstansiated and false claims of abuse against her and your child. take the high road whenever possible, keep your cool at all times, have witnesses with you when you have to have a discussion (i.e. your lawyer). put things in writing, use certified post, start and keep the best paper trail you can. and if you happen to have an accountant, make sure that he's on your side. if you don't have one of them, get one. soon. like yesterday.
from now on you are not dealing with anything remotely resembling a rational being. she will lie, cheat, steal, use the court system to her utmost advantage, put you in the poorhouse, or in prison if possible. she will do whatever she can to destroy your relationship with your child. she will never stop, never give up...think 'terminator' with pms. if you think she spent too much time planning her wedding day, wait'll you see her in action now. her every waking moment will be filled with the goal of ruining your life. do not take that lightly.
and if you think your lawyer is not zealously guarding your interests, you're probably right. they can be very lazy and just not all that interested in doing a good job. do your homework when hiring one. interview with them, ask your friends, co-workers and business partners for good references. even though you're probably two steps behind your soon-to-be-ex, get the right lawyer, not just any lawyer. and good luck my friend! there's brighter days ahead. and remember, the best revenge is to live well.