:'(On a road trip with the Missus today. Looked back to check on her (first time she was on the highway) and noticed a big grey cloud of smoke between her and me. Soon realized my bike was cause of said cloud as I began to lose power and had to pull over. Always had a bit of grey smoke and drippy oil from the #1 tailpipe, so I guess the road trip was too much. Question for all the CB knucklebusters out there... Where do I start and is it worth it? Was it the rings? What? I love this all original low mileage two owner European market cycle, but have never torn down an engine before. Can I do it? No choice I guess, since I can't afford to have it done for me. Any advice, sympathy, and commiseration would be greatly appreciated. This forum has been my go to source of info since day one on the bike. Thanks, Chris